10/29 PBE Update: Splash Art, Chroma Assets, Item Icons, & More!

Posted on at 12:39 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.23 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash art for Resistance Singed, chroma assets, item icon changes, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Splash Art

Wile we've already seen the splash revealed on social media, the splash art for Resistance Singed is now on the PBE!

Resistance Singed


Chroma assets for the new chromas this cycle are now on the PBE!

Resistance Singed

Battlecast Nasus

Resistance Yorick

Resistance Jayce

Battlecast Zac
[Will be 6 total, 1 is missing!]

Victorious Lucian

Continued Preseason 2021 Testing

As noted by Riot Scruffy, all of new icons for the shop update are now on the PBE! Here's a full look at the new and updated icons in today's update:


  • K/DA ALL OUT Featherknight asset updated, changing pants shape:

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

  • Death Lotus (R) On Hit effectiveness increased from 30% to 33%
    • {revert of 10/28 change!}

Ornn Masterwork Items
  • Items are back to having their own names rather than "Masterwork [ITEM]"

Doran's Shield
  • Passive: Endure renamed from "Outlast"

Winged Moonplate
  • Passive: Flight renamed from "Soar"

Force of Nature
  • Passive Absorb renamed from "Vidalion Absorption"

TFT Champions

Tier 3
Xin Zhao
  • Armor and MR increased from 30/40/100 to 40/50/150

Tier 4
  • Ability damage lowered from 325/525/2000 to 250/400/2000

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy noted the next update would have all of the item icons updated:

2) Captain Gameplay provided an upcoming Twitch changelist:

3) Here's CodeofBear with a /r/LeaguePBE thread on preseason ranked changes hitting the PBE -
"Preseason Ranked changes testing on PBEHey all, we've activated some of our Preseason ranked changes on PBE for testing in Ranked Solo/Duo queue which means we'll also be enabling ranked on PBE. Specifically, rolling out the following:
  • Inter-division promos have been removed. On promo, leftover LP will now roll over into your next division. Inter-division demotion shielding at 0 LP has been removed as well. 
  • We've also made some matchmaking algorithm adjustments. This won't be super noticeable on PBE due to the small population size and fewer ranked games played per account; we're mainly looking for bugs. 
  • For those players at Master and above rank, duo queue will be disabled as part of our Apex duo removal feature.
In order to get more exposure on these changes, we've temporarily disabled normal queues. If you want a refresher on these and other Ranked changes we're working on, head to our most recent Ranked blog: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-competitive-end-of-season-20-preseason-21/"

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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