Red Post Collection: Ranked Rewards 2020, End of Season 2020 FAQ, & More

Today's red post collection includes details on the the end of season on November 9th, including ranked rewards and more, a look at new K/DA and Seraphine tweets, news on other Riot games, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Ranked Rewards 2020

Here's an update on end of season rewards and the end of the ranked season - "Just a few more reasons to celebrate the end of 2020."
"Somehow, we did it. We made it through 2020—almost, anyway. Before we jinx anything, be sure to get those last few games in before the Ranked season ends on November 9 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Rewards will be distributed within 2 weeks after season end. 
Now, let’s close out this year on a high note and get into the End of Season Rewards for League of Legends 2020. 
Ranked Rewards 
There’s good news, and then there’s more good news. First, if you placed Gold or higher this season you’ll receive Victorious Lucian (as well as Lucian himself if you don't own him yet). New to 2020, you’ll also receive a Victorious chroma for each rank you hit above Gold. The more you climb, the more rewards you earn—what a concept! Finally, everyone who finished Ranked placements in Solo/Duo, Flex, or both will receive an Eternals Lucian Series 1 Permanent (also new this year!), a Ranked profile icon, and a Ranked profile banner trim. 
For more information on ranked rewards check out the FAQ. 
Clash Rewards 
Next month also marks the first End of Season for Clash, which means some Clash-specific rewards are in order. Clash rewards are based on the amount of Victory Points you earned over the course of the season, but everyone will receive a Clash Contender Icon for participating in any Clash tournament. The rest of the Clash-specific rewards are laid out for you below:

  • Contenders
    • Contender Summoner Icon: 1 VP
    • Contender Clash Logo: 200 VP
    • Contender Clash Banner: 1000 VP
  • Conquerors
    • Conqueror Summoner Icon: 2000 VP
    • Conqueror Clash Logo: 3000 VP
    • Conqueror Clash Banner: 4000 VP
  • Champions
    • Champion Summoner Icon: 5000 VP
    • Champion Clash Logo: 6000 VP
    • Champion Clash Banner: 7000 VP

That said, you still have two more weekends to earn Clash Victory Points during the Worlds Clash event, starting today! Head over to the announcement post for more details. 
Honor Rewards 
Time to cash in on all the kudos you got for being a great teammate. This year you’ll receive one Honor capsule tied to your final Honor level. Check out what’s in each Honor capsule below: 
  • Honor 3 Capsule
    • Random Ward Skin
    • 3 Key Shards
  • Honor 4 Capsule
    • Random Ward Skin
    • Random Emote Permanent
    • 3 Key Shards
  • Honor 5 Capsule
    • Random Ward Skin
    • Random Emote Permanent
    • 6 Key Shards
    • Merch Unlocks
As per yoozh, all players can grab rank-specific gear in the Riot Games merch store, including customizable hoodies and tees for those who reached at least Honor level 2 (select regions only). 
Congrats on finishing this year strong, Summoners—both on and off the Rift. Stay safe, good luck, and have fun!"

End of Season 2020 FAQ

Check out the details on end of season 2020 in the FAQ on the Riot support site:
"It's been quite the year, but it's time for the end...of season that is! Before we can see what the future holds, we need to give 2020 a proper send off on November 10th, 2020. Until then, let's talk about End of Season Rewards for League of Legends 2020. 
It pays to be honorable. Literally. You need to be at least Honor 2 to earn EoS rewards for both Summoner's Rift and CLASH. No prior bans or chat restrictions will affect your eligibility, so just be sure to channel your inner Garen and fight with honor. 
You can also always check your current Honor level in-client by heading to Profile > Overview. 
Cheaters never prosper, and elo boosting never gets you End of Season Rewards (and nobody wants to miss out on these!) 
Players who have achieved Masters and above can have one game banked to use on the final day, and we definitely recommend making use of it! These will update one last time on November 9th, 2020 at 11:45 PM local server time. Players can still queue up for one last game, but this game won't affect their standing as the ladder has already been updated. 
  • For Ranked League of Legends, if you are on the Loading Screen (out of Champ Select) by November 10th, 2020 at 12:01 AM in your local server time, this will be the last game to count towards your rewards.
  • Rewards will be calculated based on your tier as of November 10th 12:01 AM, meaning once your local server time hits (plus the last game as mentioned above), and not the highest tier you have achieved during the season. If you decay, or get demoted, before the deadline, it will count. If you think you’re going to decay, it’s better to play a game than risk missing out.
  • If you reach Gold or higher for the Victorious Lucian skin, but don’t own the champion, he’ll be added automatically to your account as rewards are given out.
  • Master and above will lock on November 9th 11:45 PM. Any game not completed before the ladder updates will not be counted, so don’t wait until the last minute to try for that Master tier!
  • Ranked decay will be turned off when the season ends. 
Ranked rewards will be delivered through the missions system again this year, and all you need to do is log in to get them! Pretty easy, right? We’ll start granting rewards starting with patch 10.23 on November 11th, reaching all accounts by December 10th. Be sure to log in during this period to get those sweet, sweet rewards! 


Victorious Lucian will be granted to any player who has reached Gold or higher in Summoner’s Rift Solo, Duo, or Flex. If you reach any ranks beyond Gold, you will unlock bonus chromas based on your rank(meaning you get a chroma for each rank you hit beyond gold! Keep climbing, we believe in you!) 
Curious as to which, I mean rewards are coming to TFT now that Fates is out and shaking up the meta? Be sure to check out our Summer 2020 Ranked Rewards article here
Honor Rewards
  • Honor 3: Honor 3 End of Season Capsule - random ward skin + 3 Key Shards
  • Honor 4: Honor 4 End of Season Capsule - random ward skin + random emote permanent + 3 key shards
  • Honor 5: Honor 5 End of Season Capsule - random ward skin + random emote permanent + 6 key shards
  • Iron: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Bronze: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Silver: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Gold: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Platinum: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma (up to rank), Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Diamond: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma (up to rank), Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Master: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma (up to rank), Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Grandmaster: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma (up to rank), Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
  • Challenger: Ranked icon, Ranked profile banner trim, Ranked border, Victorious skin, Victorious chroma (up to rank), Eternal Lucian Series 1 permanent
Each reward milestone includes all the rewards earned in previous milestones.
Contenders (players who participated and saw some success in CLASH): 
  • Contender Summoner Icon: 1 VP
  • Contender Clash Logo: 200 VP
  • Contender Clash Banner: 1000 VP 
Conquerors (players who saw some good success in multiple CLASH events):

  • Conqueror Summoner Icon: 2000 VP
  • Conqueror Clash Logo: 3000 VP
  • Conqueror Clash Banner: 4000 VP 
Champions (players who were major Victory Point earners):

  • Champion Summoner Icon: 5000 VP
  • Champion Clash Logo: 6000 VP
  • Champion Clash Banner: 7000 VP 
Ready to rock your rank in the real world? There will be specialized Ranked Merchandise available for the rank you achieved this season. You'll need to be Honor 2 to be eligible, of course, so remember to play as honorably as possible till the very end! 
At this time, merchandise is only supported by their subsequent Merch Stores. 
If you transfer before the season ends, keep in mind that you will need to replay your full placements again, and you will likely seed lower than you were before. Also your Honor level won’t be the same as it was on the previous server. If you really want to transfer, we suggest waiting until after we bring transfers back up after ranked rewards are sent out. 
We'll disable transfers just before the season ends. This is so we’ll have the time to add rewards to your account before you change servers."


  • Reav3 commented on Reddit on Seraphine:
[1] We believe she will be played support as well as mid, and we are ok with that. Her ratios will make her more the viable in mid, and since all her damaging abilities are skill shots it should be pretty reasonable to tune. There are other examples of champions that are tuned to be viable in both mid and support (Lux/Morgana for example)
[2] I think people should try her out before judging to much from a ability breakdown video. Many people had similar reactions to Lillia, Yone and Samira but once you play those champs in game they feel very unique and different. I have played plenty of Sona, and also I have played a ton of Seraphine internally, and I don't think she feels anything like Sona to actually play in game. For one, she is a VERY skillshot reliant champ which feels way different then Sona. The big reason she feels unique though is her music passive which makes each 3rd spell you cast, cast twice. This leads to having to think about which order you use your spells in to get different effects, and gets you into like a musical 1, 2, 3 and 4 rhythm when you play her that feels really different then any other champ. Idk, that's just my thoughts playing her of course, I think you should try her out for yourself before jumping on the Sona 2.0 train though.
[3] I mean its our 2nd music champ. We have like 20 Champs with swords, 2 samurais now, several fire mages. I think its ok for champs to have thematic overlap as long as the champs feel different enough from each other. Music is a huge theme, and we could probably make another champ with a music theme and it could still feel different from both Sona and Sera. For Sona she is hitting the music aura theme. She is playing music and its effecting the allies around her. For Sera we went with a more rhythmic music theme, where you are casting spells and every 4th spell echos, kind of like how music is made on 4s.
  • Lowbo also chimed in on Twitter: 
[1] Re: Seraphine and Sona, I get why people are pointing out the similarities, but a couple of thoughts...
1) As League gets more champions, it's natural that we'd have more thematic overlap. I don't personally see a problem with more than one musical champion.
[2] 2) Seraphine is a much more difficult champ to play than Sona, with a lot more tricky mechanics. I don't think this kit would be a good Sona rework. I think Sona fills an important spot on the roster (low mechanical demand, very team-oriented support) that Seraphine doesn't.
[3] 3) Sona is a keyboard player, a team player who stays in the background (with an occasional solo of course). Seraphine is a singer who takes center stage, even though part of her kit is supportive. Once players get their hands on the kit things will become clearer I think.
  • Riot Lutzburg is looking for feedback on Volibear:
[1] "Have any Volibear fans tried his AP build on PBE? The AS scaling on his passive should give him that pre-rework Guinsoo's feel. Going to work on another iteration and some tuning in the coming weeks, so let me know what you think!"
  • Check out these recent tweets from the K/DA & Seraphine twitters!
[1] "We've arrived. ✈️ 🇨🇳 

[2] "Listen.
[3] i'm great at this hotel thing, i'm on my second key card already
  • The option to buy a Series 3 Mystery figure is now in the Riot Games Merch store, with the possibility of getting a retired figure as well:
"Mystery Figure (Series 3) provides you with a Series 3 figure at random. This includes a chance to obtain rarer Special and Limited Edition figures from the series that have been in the vault or retired - including DJ Sona XL, Odyssey Jinx, Star Guardian Soraka, and more!
Figures can only be exchanged for the same figure.
Individual figures available while supplies last.
Excludes the following Series 3 figures:
  • God Staff Jax XL
  • Ryze
  • Neeko"

Other Games

  • Legends of Runeterra
    • Check out the reveal for another new LoR champion, Shyvana!
[1] "Dragon blood. Demacian heart."


  • The Worlds 2020 Event is running now through November 9th! Check out new Dragonmancer skins, chromas, missions, and more, and look for Odyssey content in Patch 10.21!

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