Continue reading for a closer look at each new skin!
Table of Contents
Worlds Pass 2020 | Official Event Trailer
Check out the Worlds 2020 Event Trailer:
Worlds 2020 Event FAQ
Check out this FAQ for the Worlds 2020 event, running from October 1st through November 9th:"The rumble of calamitous thunder. The whisper of rustling leaves. The crash of an unstoppable force. Magic is everywhere, in everything, and here? There be dragons. Their mighty roars will rage over the Rift, heralds that the gate to Worlds has opened.
This draconic vanguard takes flight with patch 10.20 on October 1st, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PT), but that is only the beginning. Their ancient magic will give way to two more patches worth of wonder as we make our way to Worlds, lasting until November 9th, 2020 at 11:59 PM (PT). Though the final curtain will have fallen, you'll still have until November 24th, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PT) to spend your hard earned Worlds Tokens.
Worlds represents a year's worth of training, gaming, and glory, both for the teams competing on the Shanghai stage and your own hard-fought matches. We couldn't just spoil everything at once, could we? Keep an eye out here as we soar towards patches 10.21 and 10.22, and all the content that comes with them.
Worlds Pass & Pass Bundle
With so much content coming alongside Worlds, it only makes sense that we'd give you two ways to hop on the pass train. The Worlds Pass can be purchased for 1650 RP, and it comes with 200 Worlds 2020 Tokens and 4 Worlds 2020 Orbs.
We're also offering a Worlds Pass Bundle for 2650 RP. Aside from all the items mentioned above, this Bundle summons The Boss like you've never seen him before with the Dragonmancer Sett skin. This draconic bruiser will be busting heads with a special icon and border.
You can purchase both the Worlds Pass and the Bundle until the event ends on November 9th, 2020 at 11:59 PM (PT).
Temper those dragon-like tendencies because we can't have you hoarding the tokens. Buying a Pass doesn't mean you get extra tokens and orbs even if you buy the Bundle!
You didn't think you'd miss out on a whole World of new missions, did you? Haha. See what we did there? ...No? Well, while we're seeing ourselves out, you can start taking on some timely tasks.
Ready to place your metaphorical bets? Pick'em is back for Worlds 2020 which means, you, the casters, heck the entire League community, can make their best guess as to who will triumph throughout Worlds. Once Worlds is underway, you can head here to get started. Please note that the site will be updated as we get closer to patch 10.20. In the meantime, why not peruse what rewards await should your pick be victorious.
It's not just about locking in your picks, of course. You'll also be rewarded as you earn points! Just keep in mind that you'll need to complete this Pick'em Missions in order. You'll be able to participate in the Chained Pick'em Missions from September 30th, 2020 at 4:00 PM (PT) until November 2nd, 2020 at 11:00 PM (PT).
Showing your favorite team your support on the Worlds stage means, well, the world to us! We figured what better to show that gratitude than with some extra special missions. The first three missions are chained together, and you can complete them from September 24th, 2020 at 11:00 AM (PT) until November 7th, 2020 at 11:00 AM (PT).
The final mission is, of course, for Finals! You can participate in that mission from October 26th, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PT) until November 9th, 2020 at 11:59 PM (PT) when the event comes to a close.
These missions become accessible with the Worlds Pass. Remember, you'll need to complete each Milestone before moving onto the next!
Wondering how to score points towards your Weekly Wins? Every time you win in Summoner's Rift, ARAM, Pick Urf, or TFT (placing in the top 4), you'll earn 5 points. Don't worry, though! Even if you're on the losing team (or if you've placed 8-5 in TFT), you'll still earn 2 points, so really it's a win-win!
Worlds 2020 Missions
We told you this event was a big one! The Set 1 Missions will be live starting October 1st, 2020, alongside the event, but more missions will make a crash landing on October 15th. What did you think that'd be all of them? Nope! There's even more missions after that, but you'll need to check back here partway through the event to find out more. Just to give you a taste of what’s to come, the following will be included as rewards for future missions:
- 400 Event Tokens
- 1 Event Orb
- 1 Eternals Capsule
- 12 Event & Worlds Icons
These missions are chained, so you'll need to complete them in order.
Orb missions are unlike the other Worlds missions in that they aren't linked together. Simply play 30 matchmade games and reap the sweet rewards.
Content Costs
Behold the beast within and channel its awesome power...or, at least, its aesthetics. Take a look below for some draconic designs and their relevant costs:
- Storm Dragon Lee Sin - 1820 RP
- Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol - 1350 RP
- Eternal Dragon Brand - 1350 RP
- Obsidian Dragon Sett - 1350 RP
- Fae Dragon Ashe - 1350 RP
Each of the Chromas coming out for this release cost 290 RP, but note that some can only be found in specific ways, such as through loot or influencer exclusives. Any special Chromas will be marked accordingly.
- Storm Dragon Lee Sin - (Sapphire, Tanzanite, Obsidian, Pearl, [Event Shop Only] - Jadeclaw, [Bundle Only] Ruby)
- Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol - (Sapphire, Tanzanite, Obsidian, Pearl, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, [Event Shop Only] - Jadeclaw, [Bundle Only] Ruby)
- Eternal Dragon Brand - (Sapphire, Catseye, Obsidian, Pearl, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, [Event Shop Only] - Jadeclaw, [Bundle Only] Ruby)
- Fae Dragon Ashe - (Sapphire, Catseye, Obsidian, Pearl, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, [Event Shop Only] - Jadeclaw, [Bundle Only] Ruby)
- Dragonmancer Ward Skin - Worlds Pass Milestone 5 Mission Exclusive
- Dragonmancer Border 2020 - Bundle Exclusive (see below)
- Eww! - Mission Reward
It's in a dragon's nature to seek rewards, but these prizes aren't for hoarding, they're for using!
Got yourself a Worlds 2020 Orb? Well, it contains 1 random Skin Shard and a 4% chance to drop a Grab Bag. What’s in the Grab Bag you ask? Now that’d be telling… Just kidding! The Worlds 10 Year Grab Bags give you:
You’ll also see both your Gemstone and Mythic Skin permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5. Get ahold of your loot in the Store:
- 3 random Skin Shards
- 2 Worlds Champion Skin Shards (2011-2018)
- 1 Champion Skin Shard (2013-2019)
Event Shop
- Worlds Orb + 16 Worlds Tokens - 250 RP
- 10 Worlds Orb + 1 Bonus Worlds Orb + 160 Worlds Tokens - 2500 RP
- 25 Worlds Orb + 1 Worlds 10 Year Grab Bag + 400 Worlds Tokens - 6250 RP
While Obsidian Dragon Sett is pummeling punks with his new prestige skin in patch 10.20, be sure to keep an eye out for another potential prestige skin coming in the later patches during the Worlds event. This mysterious prestige skin will be available to purchase for Tokens.
- Worlds 2020 Event Prestige Points Icon + 100 PP - 2200 Tokens
- Obsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Edition + Icon - 2000 Tokens
- Storm Dragon Lee Sin Chroma (Jadeclaw) + Icon - 300 Tokens
- Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol Chroma (Jadeclaw) + Icon - 300 Tokens
- Eternal Dragon Brand Chroma (Jadeclaw) + Icon - 300 Tokens
- Fae Dragon Ashe Chroma (Jadeclaw) + Icon - 300 Tokens
- Storm Dragon Lee Sin Icon + Border - 250 Tokens
- Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol Icon + Border - 250 Tokens
- Eternal Dragon Brand Icon + Border - 250 Tokens
- Fae Dragon Ashe Icon + Border - 250 Tokens
- Obsidian Dragon Sett Icon + Border - 250 Tokens
- Worlds 2020 Orb - 200 Tokens
- Random LL Egg (Series 1-6) - 300 Tokens
- LL Series 1 Egg - 600 Tokens
- LL Series 2 Egg - 600 Tokens
- LL Series 3 Egg - 600 Tokens
- LL Series 4 Egg - 600 Tokens
- LL Series 5 Egg - 600 Tokens
- LL Series 6 Egg - 600 Tokens
- Mystery Emote - 60 Tokens
- Random Champion Shard - 50 Tokens
- 3 Keys - 180 Tokens
- 1 Key - 60 Tokens
- 1 Key Fragment - 20 Tokens
- 100 Blue Essence - 10 Tokens
- 10 Blue Essence - 1 Token
Pick URF
Your abilities may have increased cool down, but the fight is just heating up because Pick URF is back starting October 1st, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PT). Raise your spatulas in salute for this ultra-rapid-fire return."
Riot Xenogenic added:
"Alright, friends! The Worlds event is live, as is its Event Pass! Wanted to highlight the differences again with this one:
-400 free tokens from missions + watching Worlds finals-30 Event Pass Milestone Missions (50 prestige points and more!)-1225 tokens from Weekly Wins"
New Skins
Six new skins are now available!
Fae Dragon Ashe
1350 RP
"Ashe led her tribe into a mysterious forest to protect them from
Brand's destruction. There, she happened upon the Fae Dragon, who sensed
her immense power and devotion to her people and blessed her with its
arcane magic. Now, Ashe weaves spells to keep them safe while biding her
time for her revenge.
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
1350 RP
"The dragon Aurelion Sol, known to seven generations of worshippers as Ao
Shin, has long awaited the ascent of a warrior worthy of receiving the
power of the storm. Now, with Lee Sin's transformation into the
Dragonmancer, Ao Shin has directed his impossible power towards purging
the world of evil."

Eternal Dragon Brand
1350 RP
"Intoxicated by the power over life and death he received from the
Eternal Dragon, Brand now spreads death and decay across the land. Now
that his dragon benefactor has retreated from the affairs of mortals,
only other dragon-blessed can fight against the rot Brand leaves in his
wake as he asserts his prowess."
Storm Dragon Lee Sin
1820 RP / Legendary
"A warrior ascetic consumed with an electric passion for justice, Lee
Sin climbed the mountain of the storm dragon Ao Shin, hoping to receive
his blessing. Having returned from the summit as a legendary
Dragonmancer, Lee Sin now doles out thunderous punishment to villains
everywhere-- ever under the watchful eye of his draconic patron."
As a legendary skin, Storm Dragon Lee Sin has a new
As well as new special interactions!
Obsidian Dragon Sett
1350 RP
"Once an outcast child, Sett swore he would gain power to destroy
anyone who made him feel weak. The Obsidian Dragon took notice of his
grit and ferocity and blessed him with obsidian-hardened skin. Sett now
uses his superhuman strength to make a name for himself as a pit
fighter, and every hit that bounces off his crystalline skin makes his
enemies tremble."

Obsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Edition
2000 Event Tokens
"After cementing his reputation as an indomitable pit fighter, Sett
used his winnings to give his mother the comfortable life of their
dreams. With her happiness secured, Sett returns to the pits,
determined to mentor talented young fighters and remake the fighting
pits into a system that rewards not the richest or the largest, but
the most determined."
Chroma sets are also now available through loot, for 290 RP each, or bundled with the Ruby chroma!Fae Dragon Ashe
[8 Chromas]
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
[8 Chromas]
Eternal Dragon Brand
[8 Chromas]
Storm Dragon Lee Sin
[6 Chromas]
Summoner Icons
Several new summoner icons will be available during the event through bundle purchased or loot!
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol Icon, Eternal Dragon Brand Icon, Obsidian
Dragon Sett Icon, Fae Dragon Ashe Icon, Storm Dragon Lee Sin Icon
This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Worlds event.
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol Chroma Icon, Eternal Dragon Brand Chroma
Icon, Obsidian Dragon Sett Chroma Icon, Fae Dragon Ashe Chroma
Icon, Storm Dragon Lee Sin Chroma Icon
This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Worlds event.
2020 Dragonmancer Icon
This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Worlds
Obsidian Dragon Sett Prestige Edition Icon
This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett
skin with event tokens during the Worlds 2020 event.
2020 Odyssey Icon, 2020 K/DA ALL OUT Icon
This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Worlds
Worlds 2020 Icon, Worlds 2020 Event Prestige Points Icon
- This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Worlds event.
- This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Worlds event.
Three new emotes will be available through the Worlds 2020 Pass:
Sorry Not Sorry!, Eww, Hmm
Ward Skins
Two new ward skins will be available through the Worlds 2020 Pass:
Pick URF Returns!
"Your abilities may have increased cool down, but the fight is just heating up because Pick URF is back starting October 1st, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PT). Raise your spatulas in salute for this ultra-rapid-fire return."