1/12 PBE Update: Continued TFT Testing & Tentative Balance Changes

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.2 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued TFT Fates II testing, more tentative balance changes, and a peek at splash arts for Lunar Beasts skins coming next PBE cycle!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Continued TFT Fates II Testing

The mid set update for TFT Fates continues testing on the PBE this cycle! For a full rundown of the changes, including new and removed traits and champions, as well as more details on the pass, new Little Legends, arenas and more, check out these articles!
Here's Riot Mort with the 1/12 changelist [1 / 2] from the TFT discord:
"Hello everyone. Thanks to a weekend of testing, we've got lots of useful information and are making the following changes in todays build! 
---Crit Chance Bonus: 10/25/40 >>> 10/30/60
---AD: 20/40/80/150 >>> 10/20/60/120
---Galio Health: 800/1325/2000 >>> 800/1300/2000
---Galio AD: 80/175/330 >>> 80/165/330
---Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9) now gains 20 Armor and Magic Resistance
---12/20/40/60% >>> 15/20/40/60%
---Number of Souls: 1/2/4 >>> 1/3/6
---Shield Value: 125/200/250 >>> 150/200/275
---Bonus Damage: 20-60/40-100 >>> 20-45/30-75
---Bonus Lifesteal: 20-40/40-80 >>> 20-45/30-75

1 Cost
-Tahm Kench
---Changed an interaction between Tahm Kench and Death’s Defiance that made his passive less effective while using the item.
---Orb Damage: 70/80/90 >>> 80/90/100

2 Cost
---Spell Damage: 300/450/1200 >>> 300/450/1000
---Spell Stun Duration: 3/4/6 >>> 3/4/5 seconds
---AD: 45 >>> 60
---MR: 30 >>> 40
---Mana: 40/90 >>> 40/80
---Disarm radius further increased
---Armor and MR: 30 >>> 40
---Vladimir will now heal off of damage dealt to shields.
3 Cost
---AS: 0.9 >>> 1.0
---Armor & MR: 25 >>> 20
---Mana: 0/60 >>> 0/70
---Spell Damage: 150/250/500 >>> 150/225/450 (Fabled is still double)
---Base HP: 650 >>> 750
---Spell HP Multiplier: 80/80/80% >>> 40/45/50%
---Mana: 30/80 >>> 0/70
---Mana: 30/70 >>> 0/55

4 Cost
---Mana: 75/150 >>> 100/180
---Cleave Damage: 40/50/100% >>> 40/45/50%
---Spell Attack Speed: 150/200/450% >>> 150/200/400%
---Mana: 30/80 >>> 50/100
---Spell AD %: 100% >>> 140%
---Armor: 50 >>> 60
---MR: 40 >>> 60

5 Cost
---Spell AD %: 80/80/80% >>> 60/70/80%

-Statikk Shiv
---Bounces: 3/4/5 >>> 4/5/6
-Eternal Winter
---Stacks of this effect can no longer be applied by the same source dealing multiple instances of damage within the same frame. (Tristana’s physical and magic damage no longer counts as two separate procs.)
---Slow and Freeze Duration: 2.5 >>> 2 seconds
---Freeze Cooldown: 5 seconds >>> 10 seconds
-Randuin’s Sanctum
---Bonus Armor and MR: 50 >>> 40
---Mana Gain Duration: 6 >>> 8 seconds"

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

  • Conquering Sands (Q) cooldown lowered from 15/13/11/9/7 to 14/12/10/8/6

  • Hemorrhage (Passive) Noxian Might bonus AD lowered from [30-230] to [20-205]

[Changelist - Differs from changelist!]
  • Ethereal Chains (E) 
    • Damage increased from 50/70/90/110/130 to 50/87.5/125/162.5/200
    • Secondary damage increased from 80/120/160/200/240 to 80/140/200/260/320

  • Sapling Toss (E) 
    • Mana cost increased from 60/65/70/75/80 to 60/70/80/90/100
    • Damage AP ratio lowered from [1% per 100 AP] to [.8% per 100 AP]

[Changelist - Differs from changelist!]
  • Paranoia (R) cooldown lowered from 150/125/100 to 140/115/90

  • Base HP lowered from 570 to 540
  • Base movespeed lowered from 345 to 340

  • Backstab (Passive) base damage increased from [10-25] to [20-35]

  • Chomp (Q) bonus damage ratio increased from [10/20/30/40/50%] to [15/25/35/45/55%] tAD
  • Frozen Domain (W) attack speed increased from [20/40/60/80/100%] to [30/50/70/90/110%]

  • Mana per level increased from 33 to 40
  • Chain of Corruption (R) Cooldown lowered from 120/90/60 to 100/80/60

Hextech Rocketbelt
  • movement speed boost lowered from [50% for 2s] to [30% for 1.5s]

Imperial Mandate
  • Per target cooldown changed from [applies on ally proccing] to [applies on initial application of CC]

  • Cloudburst cooldown increased from 60s to 90s

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy provided changelists for Patch 11.2:
"Patch Preview 11.2 with all tentative changes 
A few additions, and not 100% locked down but we're getting close."

2) While these skins aren't yet on the PBE (with the exception of Lunar Beast Viego) more splash art for upcoming Lunar Beasts skins were previewed on social media!

Lunar Beast Viego

Lunar Beast Annie

Lunar Beast Aphelios

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