Marauder and Warden Skins and Chromas now available!

Posted on at 2:33 PM by Aznbeat
"Turncoats, oath breakers and betrayers... we hate them all." - Marauder Kalista, Kled, and Xin Zhao and Warden Gragas and Quinn and their accompanying chromas are now available!
Continue reading for a closer look at each skin!

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

Five skins are now available!

Marauder Kalista

1350 RP
"The Magelords... furious, brutal, and glorious in their conquest-- a sect of warriors long lost to the sands of time. Until now. Resurrected by the current Marauder leaders, Kalista's desire for vengeance has only festered over the millenia. Now she returns, more powerful than ever, to eradicate the Wardens and everything they've built."

Marauder Kled

1350 RP
"Throughout history, the Marauders have balanced on the knife's edge between brutality and cunning. General Kled, one half of the pair that currently leads the regime, is truly the incarnation of their historic brutality... and little more. If it weren't for Xin Zhao, Kled would bet everything on a final, bloody, battle."

Marauder Xin Zhao

1350 RP
"Though brutal, the Marauders still follow a martial order established during the era of the Magelords. These commanders seek only to reclaim the might with which their order once ruled. Xin Zhao is one half of the pair of current leaders. Pragmatic and measured, he has resurrected an ancient Magelord to destroy his foes once and for all."

Warden Gragas

1350 RP
"The Wardens are a sect of those who choose to don the armor of the Protectorate. Wardens hale from all corners of the world; so long as one holds fast to one's pledge, then one is a Warden. Gragas found purpose in this calling, and found camaraderie in his fellow Wardens, who welcomed him-- all of him-- with open arms."

Warden Quinn

1350 RP
"The Protectorate of old gained its power from bonds: bonds between comrades, bonds to armor, bonds to its edicts. Quinn follows in the footsteps of her ancestors, having forged a bond with a familiar she has named Valor, in honor of the Protectorate's central tenet."


New chromas are available for 290 RP each or bundled with the exclusive ruby chroma!

Marauder Xin Zhao
[8 Chromas]

Warden Gragas
[8 Chromas]

Warden Quinn 
[8 Chromas] 

Marauder Kled
[8 Chromas]

Marauder Kalista
[8 Chromas]
(some chromas assets missing!)