Red Post Collection: Shan Hai Scrolls launching Jan 28th, New Void Merch, and more!

Following a busy 11.2 release, tonight's red post collection includes a note that the Shan Hai Scrolls skins will be launching on Jan 28th, 1/21 bug fixes, new Void themed merch items now available, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

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11.2 Correction - Shan Hai Scrolls launching on Jan 28th

The League of Legends twitter tweeted a 11.2 patch notes correction - the Shan Hai Scrolls Cho'Gath, Jhin, Nautilus, and Neeko skins will actually be releasing on January 28th.
"πŸ“’Attn: Shan Hai Scroll skins release date correction! There was an error in the 11.2 patch notes, and the actual release date is set for Thursday Jan. 28th after 1pm PST. Apologies for the miscommunication and thanks for your understanding!πŸ˜…"

1/21 11.2 Mid-Patch Updates

The 11.2 patch notes have been updated with several bugfixes that went out on January 21st.
Extra context from twitter:
  • Riot Scruffy noted a bugfix for MMR:
"We have an update coming in 11.2 that fixes an MMR bug and boosts LP gains. We wanted to both improve the current LP experience but also find the root cause and be sure it's fixed. 
After you get some games in on 11.2 let us know how you're feeling about it. 
More details:"

  • Riot August noted a bugfix for Rengar's Emp Q :

"So there's a Rengar bug that made its way to live where Empowered Q is giving too little attack speed. We found a fix, should be micropatched sometime today."

New Merch: Void 2021 Collection

Three pieces of Void inspired merch are now up on the Riot Games merch store including a limited Edition Cho'Gath Team Mini, a Kai'Sa Mousepad, and a Void Pin Pack!

Choncc's Top-Secret Dumpling Recipe 

 Want to celebrate the TFT mid-set launch with a perfect dumpling? Choncc's got you covered - "CHONCC’S EYES ONLY! DO NOT READ!"

"Translated by arcane language experts from its original draconic.


Makes 500 yum lumps [translation: dumplings]—just enough for a hundred party people [festival attendees] or as a light snack for me, Choncc.

List of ingredients:
  • 21 sprinkles of cloud dust
  • 28 shakes of crunch greenies
  • 168 slurps of pig wiggles
  • 112 sea puffs
  • 42 stinky lumps
  • 42 fistfuls of grass
  • 21 squishes of spicy root
  • 7 splashes of Fuwa tears
  • Oil of 28 Shisa hairs
  • Candy sand, thirsty sand, and sneezy sand to taste
  • One whopping dollop of lufu*
*There is no direct translation for this term, but the nearest would be: love 
First, add Fuwa tears to the cloud dust and squish until smooth and sticky, then roll into long dough worms. Let the worms rest for a while, because they must be tired after all that smashing. 
Next, add the rest of your ingredients to a really big bowl. Pick up the bowl and bump-a-rump [possibly: dance] around to mix up all the meat. Don’t stop bump-a-rumping until the meat mix looks like Bellswayer barf. That’s how you know it’s good. 
Now, wake up the dough worms. Use your claws to cut them into small pieces, then roll them out into circles. (Tip: circles are the best shape, because they look like gold coins.) Roll the meat mixture into baby-bite-sized balls and place one in the middle of each circle. Wrap each meatball in the dough like a special present. 
If you made it this far, good job. I am proud of you, me. (If you were not able to resist the delicious dumplings, please go back to step one.) All you have to do now is cook the dumplings one of two ways: 
Throw all 500 dumplings in a giant pot of bubble [likely: boiling] water until they float to the top. Or, breathe hot hot fire onto the dumplings until they’re nice and crispy. 
You’re all done! Serve with Choncc’s world-famous spicy dipping sauce. The top secret recipe for the sauce can be found in the [ILLEGIBLE]. But you already knew that, me. 
Happy Lunar New Year, and happy eating! 
Please note: This recipe was crafted for a 328,991,572 calories per day dragon diet, and is not recommended for consumption by mere mortals. Eat at your own risk"


  • Reina Sweet tweeted several changes for ARURF, which will be returning in the there were some upcoming changes to ARURF in the next event:
[1] "With this next run of URF, there will be quite a few changes to better embrace the preseason item rework. These changes are intended to let you engage with the item system more fully without hitting clear traps.
Changes include: (1/3) 
[2] Instead of 80% CDR you now get +300 Ability Haste. This stacks with other sources of Ability Haste
Lethal Tempo and Ultimate Hunter are no longer disabled
If you're a mana champ: Bonus mana is converted to HP (40% rate) and bonus mana regen is converted to HP (100% rate)
[3] The gold per 10 items will be disabled though. Their minion gold penalty they give is at such an extreme penalty that is difficult to perceive that not having them available would ultimately lead to better experiences, especially for newcomers to URF.
[4] ARURF for this run. 
We've found many different players enjoy each of them, which is why they've been alternating.
  • Riot Penrif provided a breakdown of some server issues during Clash this weekend on the EU server:
[1] Hey everyone, long time no tweet. I’m tech lead for League, and I’d like to shed a little light on League's instability in Europe of late. (1/7) 
[2] The outages have been caused by malicious internet traffic, colloquially known as a “goddamn DDoS.” It's worth clearing up that the issues affecting Clash over the weekend weren't due to anything with Clash, just the timing of the attack. (2/7) 
[3] We use non-standard communication protocols for some of our software while most of the anti-DDoS technology development has focused on HTTP because the interwebs mostly is just webs. That means that we can't always just reach for The Thing Everyone Does When DDoSed. (3/7) 
[4] As can be seen, mitigating this new type of DDoS attack is a work in progress. A lot of network folks have been heads down figuring out how to filter out this traffic since the events over the weekend. It's hard work, and I thank them profusely for it (4/7) 
[5] I do wish I could tell you more specific details, but security stuff like anti-DDoS does require secrecy. Getting anywhere near the nerdy details with y'all would arm the attackers with more useful information, and that's not worth the fun we'd have (5/7) 
[6] Any case, I wanted to get what we could safely disclose about it out to y'all - it's important to us that you know we care about service stability and work hard to keep it as high as we can. (6/7) 
[7] We know that explaining the outage doesn't make up for it, and it's on us to make them as rare as possible. (7/7) 

  • Speaking of EUW server issues, Riot Support tweeted out a note on the Jan 22nd sever instability:
"Public address loudspeaker [LoL-EUW] Today’s outage was not caused by a DDoS, but a hardware failure in a critical system serving EUW. An incident report will be published with details soon."
  • The Festival of Beasts is here! Check out the mid-set update, grab the new TFT Pass and Pass+, new Little Legends, Arenas, and more! Previews of the new cosmetics can be found in our PBE coverage and this Little Legends spotlight video.
      • Lunar Beats (Feat DJ Ox)

"You know you'd think I'd be better at putting in numbers but 0.8 is not 0.08. Fixed for next deploy lmao.

Trimming sustain laddos"

Other Games

Wild Rift
  • Several social media previews going out, including Star Guardians and Teemo! Check out these social media previews -



Have a good weekend ~(8|:D

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