4/14 PBE Update: Continued TFT Reckoning Testing & More

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.9 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued TFT Reckoning testing, VFX changes for Full Machine Viktor, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Continued TFT: Reckoning Testing

TFT Set 5, Reckoning, continues to test on the PBE this cycle! Here's the latest changelist (1 / 2) from Riot Mort:
"April 14th Deploy Changes 
-Thief’s Gloves
---Loot table has been updated to no longer grant two copies of items that are Unique
-Thief’s Gloves (Shadow)
---Loot table has been updated
-Guinsoo’s Rageblade (Shadow)
---Self Damage Per Attack: 2% >>> 3% maximum Health
-Shroud (Shadow)
---Mana Increase: 50% >>> 65%
-Jeweled Gauntlet (Shadow)
---Self Damage: 20% >>> 15% maximum Health
-Blue Buff (Shadow)
---Health Threshold: 50% >>> 60%
-Archangel’s Staff (Shadow)
---Health Gained: 350% >>> 300% of ability’s Mana cost 
---Heal: 30/50/90/150% >>> 30/60/100/200%
---Shield: 30/50/75/100% >>> 30/60/90/120%
---AS: 5/50/110% >>> 10/50/110% 
1 Cost
---Spell Healing: 100% >>> 80%
---Bugfix: Ability damage scales with Ability Power
---Secondary Damage: 250/325/450 >>> 175/225/300
---Bugfix: Ability healing now scales with Ability Power
2 Cost
---Spell Damage: 550/750/1100 >>> 700/900/1300
---Spell Burn Tick Rate: 0.5 >>> 1 seconds
---Spell Damage: 300/400/800 >>> 375/500/1000
---Spell Healing: 450/600/1200 >>> 375/500/1000
---Mana: 60/100 >>> 40/80
---Mana: 0/75 >>> 0/60
---Spell AD: 140/150/200% >>> 120/130/160%
3 Cost
---Mana: 40/70 >>> 60/120
---Spell Targets: 3/3/5 >>> 3/4/5
---Spell AS: 30/60/100% >>> 40/50/75%
---Spell Polymorph Duration: 2/2.5/4 >>> 2/2.5/3 seconds
---Mana: 30/70 >>> 40/70
---Fixed a bug where she could leap while stunned
---AD: 70 >>> 90
4 Cost
---Spell AD: 200/220/300% >>> 180/200/260%
---Health: 800 >>> 900
---AD: 70 >>> 80
---Mana: 0/40 >>> 0/60
---Mana: 0/90 >>> 0/80
---Spell Damage: 700/1000/4000 >>> 800/1100/4000
5 Cost
---Fixed a bug where Darius’s wolves were consuming his on-attack heals to instantly heal him during his dunk
---Darius now runs through the attack flow as he casts (1 count towards Rageblade, Shiv, Hurricane, etc.
---Spell Damage: 200/300/7777 >>> 175/250/7777
---Turret AD: 200 >>> 150 
-Fixed an issue where Trundle could cause units with damage immunity (Kindred, Kayle) to become unkillable until his ability wore off"

Descriptions for the new Choncc Little Legend variants added:
  • Splash Town Choncc: Splash Town Choncc's dream is winning the Splash Party surfing competition. And with how much napping they do, they're likely to have that dream.
  • Lifeguard Choncc: Splash Town locals and tourists alike can feel safer knowing Lifeguard Choncc is on the lookout. On the lookout for the best waves, and what's that dark looking fog rolling in?
  • Sun-Kissed Choncc: Lifeguard Choncc may be the best swimmer, surfer, and boogie boarder, but Sun Kissed Choncc is better at some really important stuff too. Stuff like, humming, belly bongos, playing the ukulele, and Hula dancing!
Here's MinionsRPeople2 with a bugs thread for TFT Reckoning!
"Welcome to TFT: Reckoning PBE! 
We are thrilled to have you embark on the adventure that is TFT: Reckoning during its PBE days. Brave adventurers as you are, you’ll likely encounter bugs, imperfect balance, and near-daily changes in addition to the powers of Chaos that have been unleashed into TFT. 
Use this thread to report all of the bugs you encounter along the way. We'll be here keeping notes and tracking them down. 
Oh, and have a good time too! 


  • MSI summoner banners were added to the PBE:
  • As noted by Riot Beardilocks, VFX changes for Full Machine Viktor are now on the PBE!

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


Context & Notes

1) None!

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !


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