4/20 PBE Update: Splash Art, Continued TFT Testing, & More Tentative Balance Changes!

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.9 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash arts, continued TFT: Reckoning testing, and more tentative balance changes! 
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Splash Art

While we've seen most of them on social media already, the splash arts for the DWG and Conqueror Jax are now on the PBE! (Conqueror Jax Prestige Edition splash still MIA!)

DWG Jhin, Kennen, Leona & Nidalee

DWG Twisted Fate

Conqueror Jax

Continued TFT: Reckoning Testing

TFT Set 5, Reckoning, continues to test on the PBE this cycle! Here's the latest changelist (1 / 2 / 3 / 4) from Riot Mort:

"Here's today's PBE patch. It's...large. Team working hard to make sure Reckoning launches in the best state possible!

Tomorrow is our last patch before branch cut, but don't expect anything major. Then another weekend (Thurs-Mon) of data, then 1 final batch. Almost there!!

April 20th Deploy 
Hyper Roll
-Removed 2 gold per win payout
-Added a 2 gold per loss payout
Context: We’re seeing a bit too much snowballing and too much impact on game outcomes from early-round losses, so we want to provide a small consolation payout for losing rounds. It’s still very dangerous to lose in stage 5 or later, but it will feel a little less punishing to lose in stages 3 and 4.

-Shop Roll Odds
---Level 7: 22/35/30/12/1% >>> 19/35/30/15/1%
---Level 8: 15/25/35/20/5% >>> 15/20/35/25/5%
-Loot Changes
---Spatulas can now become shadow on the carousel in stages 2,3, and 4 at a rate of 45%, as intended.
---Fixed an issue causing Gold loot boxes to appear at a slightly lower rate from NPC rounds

---Shield: 40% >>> 30% maximum Health
-Gargoyle Stoneplate
---Armor and MR per Enemy: 20 >>> 18
---Heal: 30% >>> 25% of missing Health
-Zeke’s Herald
---Attack Speed: 30% >>> 25% 
-Zz’Rot Portal
---For both Normal and Hyper Roll:
---The Construct’s AD Stage scaling has been reduced significantly 
---The Construct’s Health Stage scaling has been reduced slightly
Shadow Items
-Shadow Blue Buff
---Mana Gain: 10 >>> 15
---Below Threshold Mana Gain: 40 >>> 50
-Shadow Deathblade
---Self Max Health Penalty: 25% >>> 20%
-Shadow Gargoyle Stoneplate
---Healing per Enemy: 60 >>> 45
-Shadow Guardian Angel
---Revive Health: 100% >>> 80% maximum Health
-Shadow Hextech Gunblade
---Percent of Damage Heal: 50% >>> 60%
-Shadow Infinity Edge
---Self Damage On Crit: 4% >>> 3% maximum Health
-Shadow Last Whisper
---Shred Duration: 2 >>> 5 seconds
---Self Armor/MR Penalty: 50% >>> 25%
-Shadow Quicksilver
---Self Max Health Penalty: 25% >>> 20%
-Shadow Rabadon’s Deathcap
---Self Max Health Penalty: 25% >>> 20%
-Shadow Redemption
---Heal: 15% >>> 20% of missing Health
-Shadow Spear of Shojin
---Self Damage Penalty: 25% >>> 20%
-Shadow Statikk Shiv
---Self Attack Damage Penalty: 50% >>> 33%
-Shadow Zeke’s Herald
---Ally Attack Speed Penalty: 30% >>> 25%
-Shadow Zz’Rot Portal
---Explosion Damage: 777 >>> 500

---No longer has a 2 Trait breakpoint
---HP: 400/800 >>> 400/1000
---AP: 50 >>> 60
---Mana Bonus: 25% >>> 20%
---Heal: 30/60/100/150% >>> 30/60/100/180%
---Dragonslayer AP: 30/60 >>> 30/70
---Team AP: 20/40 >>> 20/50
---Armor: 40/100 >>> 40/90
---AS: 25/60/100/160% >>> 25/60/120/200% 
---Shield: 30/60/90/120% >>> 30/60/90/160%
---CC Immunity Duration: 5/8 >>> 4/6 seconds 
1 Cost
---Mana: 40/80 >>> 40/70
---Spell AS: 50/60/70% >>> 70/80/100%
---Bugfix: Ability can now critically strike
---Spell AD: 200/225/250% >>> 180/200/220%
---Spell Base Damage: 400/700/1100 >>> 350/600/950
---Spell Primary Damage: 250/350/450 >>> 300/400/500
---Spell Secondary Damage: 125/175/225 >>> 150/200/250
---Spell Damage 90/120/180 >>> 90/120/160
---Spell Damage: 200/300/450 >>> 200/300/400
---Spell Shield: 200/300/450 >>> 250/350/550
---Spell AD: 110/120/140% >>> 110/120/160%
---Spell Damage: 200/300/450 >>> 250/350/450 
2 Cost
---Spell Damage: 700/900/1300 >>> 700/900/1400
---Spell MR Shred: 40/50/60% >>> 40/50/70%
---Spell Damage: 375/500/1000 >>> 450/600/1200
---Spell Healing: 375/500/1000 >>> 300/400/800
---Bugfix: Ability can now critically strike
---Spell AD: 130/140/160 >>> 140/150/180%
---Spell Armor Shred: 15/20/30 >>> 20/25/40
---Spell Armor & MR: 60/120/200 >>> 60/120/300
---Spell Damage: 300/450/900 >>> 300/450/750
---Mana: 40/80 >>> 50/90
---Spell Damage: 150/200/400 >>> 200/300/600
---Spell Damage: 100/200/400 >>> 100/200/700
---Spell Pull Duration: 2/3/6 >>> 2/3/4 seconds
---Spell Stat Steal: 25/30/40% >>> 30/35/45%
---Spell Damage: 400/550/800 >>> 300/500/750
---Spell Shield: 150/250/350 >>> 150/225/375 
3 Cost
---Spell Heal: 80/90/100% >>> 90/95/100%
---Isolated Attack Speed Bonus: 20/30/60% >>> 30/35/40%
-Lee Sin
---Spell Damage: 200/275/500 >>> 200/300/650
---Mana: 60/120 >>> 50/100
---Spell AS: 50/60/80% >>> 60/75/100%
---Armor: 30 >>> 35
---MR: 30 >>> 35
---Spell Damage: 200/300/550 >>> 250/300/550
---Spell Damage: 500/750/1500 >>> 500/750/1800
---Spell AD Bonus: 70/80/90% >>> 70/80/100%
---Spell Damage: 100/200/350 >>> 100/200/500
---Spell AD: 340/350/400% >>> 350/400/500%
---Spell Stun Duration: 1.5/1.5/2.5 >>> 1.5/2/2.5 seconds
---Spell Damage: 250/350/550 >>> 300/400/650 
4 Cost
---Spell Stun Duration: 1.5/2/4 >>> 2/2.5/4 seconds
---Spell Damage: 200/300/1500 >>> 250/350/1500
---Fixed a bug where Daisy would fail to cast her initial Shockwave upon spawning
---Spell Damage: 180/220/900 >>> 200/240/800
---Spell Damage: 1200/1600/4000 >>> 1000/1300/4000 
5 Cost
---Bugfix: Ability can now critically strike
---Spell AD: 180/220/2000% >>> 160/200/2000%
---Mana: 0/110 >>> 0/120
---Spell Damage: 200/300/7777 >>> 300/450/7777
---1st Ascension Spell AD: 70/80/1000% >>> 90/100/1000%
---4th Ascension Spell Damage: 250/400/10000 >>> 200/300/10000
---Mana: 50/150 >>> 100/200
---Spell Minimum Health Threshold: 300/500/2500 >>> 200/300/2500

Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug where Shadow Locket did not work on Champions with no mana
-Fixed a bug where position based Items (Zephyr, Locket, etc.) were not working correctly when equipped on Assassins
-Morgana’s chain is now fully blocked by Trap Claw rather than only the initial damage being blocked
-Fixed more cases where Kayle could fail to gain Ascension levels (Revenant revive, Zephyr)
-Thresh no longer attempts to continue to pull dead targets if the initial impact of his chain kills the target
-Fixed a bug where Shadow Zz’Rot Portal’s Construct was scaling with Stage number
-Fixed an issue that would cause Warwick’s leap to rarely send him to row 1 column 1 (aka Warwick looking like he was leaping toward the Little Legend)"

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

  • Base HP regen lowered from 7.5 to 6.5
  • Armor per level lowered from 3.6 to 3.1
  • Moonsilver Blade (Passive)
    • attack speed lowered from [20-40%] to [15-40%]

  • Courage (W) passive armor and MR per stack lowered from 0.25 to 0.2

  • Body Slam (E) damage lowered from 80/130/180/230/280 to 80/120/160/200/240

  • Hextech Micro-Rockets (W) initial rocket damage lowered from 50/80/110/140/170 to 50/75/100/125/150
    • total damage lowered from 90/144/198/252/306 to 90/135/180/225/270

  • Reaping Slash (Q) Darkin form damage increased from [55% AD (+5% (+4% per 100 bAD) target max health)] to [65% AD (+5% (+4% per 100 bAD) target max health)]

  • Dance of Arrows (Q) 
    • damage increased from 60/80/100/120/140 to 60/85/110/135/160
    • cooldown lowered from 9 to 8

  • Tormented Shadow (W) monster damage lowered from 200% to 185%

  • Junkyard Titan (Passive) Overheated magic damage on hit lowered from 10-50 to 5-40

  • Haymaker (W) % of expended Grit dealt as damage increased from [25+10 per 100 bAD] to[25+20 per 100 bAD] 

  • Stand United (R) shield value changed from [175/130/525 (+135% AP)] to [120/310/500 (+17.5% bHP)(+135%AP)]

  • Starlight's Touch (Q) mana cost lowered from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90

  • Pillar of Ice (E) slow amount increased from 20/30/40/50/60% to 32/39/46/53/60%

  • Transfusion (Q) cooldown time increased from 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4s to 9/7.9/6.8/5.7/4.6s

  • Arcanopulse (Q) damage increased from [80/120/160/200/240 (+75% AP)] to [70/110/150/190/230 (+90% AP)]
  • Eye of Destruction (W) damage increased from [60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP)] to [60/95/130/165/200 (+65% AP)

Wit's End
  • AD increased from 30 to 40
  • Recipe changed: [Hearthbound Axe + Negatron Cloak + Long Sword + 75g]
  • Total cost unchanged

Death's Dance
  • AD increased from 50 to 55
  • Armor increased from 40 to 45

Moonstone Renewer
  • Starlit Grace heal increased from 60 health to 70 health

Context & Notes

1) Here's Riot Scruffy with the 11.9 Patch Preview:
"11.9 Patch Preview with the tentative changes: 
While doing the Hecarim nerfs we wanted to shift his power so that tank build has notably less damage (but still tanky) making room for a viable damage build."

2) Check out updates from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads for skins this cycle:

"Edited to add PBE feedback notes
  • Toned down the hair jiggling on some animations. Polished it on main gameplay animations and a bunch of emotes (run, idle1, spell1, crit, joke, laugh and taunt).
  • Q Javelin: The damage increases the longer it lives on the map, so at the start it isn't that bright, but the ramp up glow has been bumped up!
  • Q Javelin hit sound made louder & thunkier!
  • W trap - made slight changes to make it sound less like a trap.
  • Bug Fix: E heal: trap sound removed on cast."

 DWG Jhin

"Edited to add PBE feedback notes.
  • Basic attack cast flash (First 3 not crit shots) have been toned down a bit.
  • Added passive move speed VFX.
  • Q - Made canister a little wider, same length.
  • W - Smoothed trail VFX.
  • Added glowing eyes on his mask!
  • Jhin's back clipping through the cape has been minimized.
  • Adjusted the weighting of the shoulder pad so it doesn't clip through his face as much.
  • The 4th auto attack and ult attack are not being changed. It's using a completely unique projectile. All Jhin skins use color to differentiate between the 4th shot, and the 4th basic attack projectile has unique assets.
  • Compared Jhin's model to base, and the proportions are similar, we will not be bulking up the model. Base Jhin | DWG Jhin
DWG Kennen
"Edited to respond to comments from players:

Hey players! Thanks for your feedback, we appreciate all of you for your thoughts on Kennen! <3 
Happy to hear that a majority of you enjoyed Kennen's recall and (e) animation! I passed along kudos to the team and we hope to continue delighting you with more experiences like this!
  • Sleep animation as idle or taunt: Unfortunately, Kennen has a limitation on his build that's separate than his recall that makes it difficult to apply as his idle or taunt. This can't be done without requiring a revamp and additional controllers to his expression so essentially is out of scope for 1350. 
  • Eyes during death animation: The team will be modifying his death with his eyes close. 
  • Fur color vs splash art: Thanks for pointing this out! His fur in-game appears much lighter than the splash because of the way the game is lit from the top. In the splash image, Kennen is at the bottom and the image gets gradually darker so is likely how the lighting is handled by the splash art team that gives it that tint. However, if you pay closer attention you can spot the lighter browns in the splash. His fur in-game will stay as is because it stays true to concept as he was designed to be read as a raccoon. Darkening the brown would also reduce his clarity in-game. 
  • (E) circle: The circle around his (e) is consistent with his base skin so it will be left as is."

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