4/27 PBE Update: Arcana Skins, Chromas, & More!

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 11.10 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new Arcana skins for Camille, Lucian, Tahm Kench, and Xerath, as well as new chromas, icons, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

Four new skins are now on the PBE for testing:

Arcana Camille

1350 RP
[While the splash art is not yet on the PBE, here's a peek from social media!]

Here's Riot Dead Thief with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcana Camille:

"Elegance never goes out of fashion." 
Arcana Camille is swinging onto the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Arcana Camille is set to be 1350 RP. 
Arcana Camille will soon be available to play on PBE. We are excited that you are the first players to get your hands on her! Let us know what you think. 
Drop your feedback in the thread below! 
Riot Dead Thief (NefV)"

Arcana Lucian

1350 RP

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcana Lucian:
"Hello Everyone! 
Arcana Lucian is seeking balance on the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation!
Arcana Lucian is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 


Arcana Tahm Kench

1350 RP

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcana Tahm Kench:
"Hey All! 
Arcana Tahm Kench's alluring opulence is reverberating on the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation! 
Arcana Tahm Kench is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 

Arcana Xerath

1350 RP

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcana Xerath:

"Hello All! 
Arcana Xerath is enhancing his power on the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation! 
Arcana Xerath is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 


New sets of chromas are now on the PBE! No assets are available just yet:

Arcana Camille
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Lucian
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Tahm Kench 
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Xerath
[8 Chromas]

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for the Arcana chromas:
"Hey everyone! 
We’ve got new Chromas coming up for:
  • Tahm Kench
  • Lucian
  • Xerath
  • Camille
Tahm Kench:
New textures:
  • 8 Chromas
New textures:
  • 8 Chromas
New textures:
  • 8 Chromas
Screenshot will be added shortly! 
New textures:
  • 8 Chromas
Arcana sets should be available on PBE soon! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets; and as usual, we’re looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback. 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"

Summoner Icons

Several new summoner icons are now on the PBE:

Champie Icons
"This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2021."

Blood Moon Aatrox Merch Icon
"This icon was acquired by making a purchase from the merch store."

Pride 2021 Icon
"This icon was released in the store for limited purchase in celebration of May 17th, 2021."


Several new emotes are now on the PBE:

Pride 2021, Beside You

TFT Fates Act II [RANK]


  • Riot Tom_Anim noted some animation tech changes coming for a few champions on the PBE! Check out the twitter thread for details:
  • Your Shop is back up on the PBE!

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


Riot Mort provided a final changelist for TFT: Reckoning before it hits Live tomorrow! These changes are now on the PBE:
"Wrapping up Reckoning PBE, a thread with lots of info. Getting this out tonight so we can focus on all the cool stuff starting tomorrow! Thank you everyone for all the testing the past two weeks. Because of you we fixed a ton of bugs and made a ton of balance/polish changes. The set is going to live in a much better state because of you! We really appreciate every single PBE game that was played. 
That being said, we also know we're not done and will be improving Reckoning with each patch. There are still more bugs to fix and may be more balance issues to be discovered, so as you play live, keep that feedback coming! So here are the final changes we're pushing out for all you PBE players that will go live with Reckoning on Day 1. Lots of good stuff with a few things that need some explaining:
"Final Changes 
---Heal: 30/60/100/160% >>> 30/60/90/130%
---AS: 60/140% >>> 70/180%
---SP: 20/50 >>> 20/60
---SP per Stack: 2/5 >>> 2/6 
1 Cost
---Spell AD: 180/200/220% >>> 180/200/240%
---Spell Base Damage: 350/600/950 >>> 350/600/1000
---AD: 20 >>> 25
2 Cost
---Spell Damage: 100/200/500 >>> 150/250/700
---Spell AD: 140/150/180% >>> 160/180/220%
---Spell Damage: 250/350/600 >>> 300/400/600
---Spell Damage: 100/200/700 >>> 200/400/1000
---Spell Damage: 25/50/100 >>> 40/60/100
3 Cost
---Spell Damage: 150/200/400 >>> 200/250/400
---Spell Secondary Damage: 75/100/200 >>> 100/125/200
---Spell AS: 60/75/100% >>> 70/80/100%
---Spell Polymorph Duration: 2/2.5/3 >>> 2.5/3/3.5 seconds
---Spell Damage: 300/450/800 >>> 400/600/1000
---Health: 800 >>> 900
---Spell width has been increased to now hit targets that are adjacent to his primary target
---Mana: 40/80 >>> 60/120
---Spell Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3.5 >>> 2/2.5/3 seconds
4 Cost
---Spell AD: 180/200/240% >>> 160/180/220%
---Spell Base Damage: 150/250/400 >>> 150/200/400
---Mana: 50/100 >>> 80/160
---Armor and MR: 25 >>> 30
---Mana: 80/160 >>> 100/180
---Armor and MR: 30 >>> 25
---Spellcast Mana Lock: 1 >>> 1.25 seconds
---Spell Damage: 200/240/800 >>> 180/240/700
---Armor and MR: 20 >>> 25
5 Cost
---Spell Damage: 350/500/7777 >>> 400/600/7777
---Spell Damage: 120/150/666 >>> 140/175/666
---Armor and MR: 35 >>> 40 
-Giant Slayer
---Bonus Damage Over 1750 Health: 70% >>> 80%
-Shadow Giant Slayer
---Bonus Damage: 45% >>> 50%
---Spell Shield Duration: 10 >>> 12 seconds
-Statikk Shiv
---Lightning Damage: 65 >>> 70
-Shadow Statikk Shiv
---Lightning Damage: 65 >>> 70
-Shadow Titan’s Resolve
---Cooldown Between Procs: 4 >>> 3 seconds
-Zz’Rot Portal
---Summoned Units, such as Abomination’s Monstrosity, will not spawn a Voidspawn
---The Voidspawn’s Health and AD have been reduced across all Stages
---The Voidspawn’s Armor and MR no longer scale with Stage
---Armor/MR: 20
---Voidspawn Stage Scaling:
-----Scaling Cap: Stage 6 >>> Stage 5 (Still Stage 8 in Hyper Roll)
-----Capped Health: 3000 >>> 2250
-----Capped AD: 200 >>> 140
-Shadow Zz’Rot Portal
---Summoned Units, such as Abomination’s Monstrosity, will not spawn an Unstable Voidspawn
---Explosion Damage: 600 >>> 500 
Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug where if a player bought Teemo at 7hp and died later to normal causes, they would still take the -66 Teemo damage and hear the VO play as if they had been killed by purchasing Teemo.
-Fixed a bug where a Draconic egg would not give you gold if there were no more Draconic units left in the pool
-Fixed a bug where you could swap an overflowed Draconic egg with a unit
-Shadow Force of Nature will no longer appear in the Carousel
-Fixed an issue where units would occasionally not pick a new target when an enemy they were targeting entered Guardian Angel’s revive
-Thieves gloves correctly kicks items off of other benched units when combined on the bench
Re: ZZ'rot/Abom, we've decided to error on overnerfing here. There isn't any text that explains this which isn't ideal, but we'll get that in for 11.10. But for now, ZZ'rot got nerfed a little extra hard, and won't work with Abom. It's worth it to remove this for now.

There's a few other things we have our eye on, but nothing cross into the realm of unacceptable so we'll see what rises to the top. PBE data is always a bit dicey, so we'll see what happens.  Other than that, enjoy Reckoning. Thanks again, and we can't wait for everyone to see what all is coming starting tomorrow leading up to the live game on your server Wednesday morning local time. Thanks and have fun!"

Context & Notes

1) None!

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