The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.11 PBE cycle, today's patch includes tons of tentative balance changes!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.
- Conquering Sands (Q) mana cost lowered from 70 to 55
- Spider Form (R) auto attack AP ratio lowered from 30% to 20%
- HP regen/5 per level increased from .55 to .65
- Base armor increased from 22 to 24
- AD per level increased from 3 to 4
- Rampage (Q) bonus AD radio increased from 70% to 75%
- Devastating Charge (E)
- min bAD ratio increased from 50% to 55%
- max bAD ratio increased from 100% to 110%
Lee Sin
- HP per level increased from 98 to 110
- Surround Sound (W)
- Self shield increased from 75-150 to 75-225
- Ally shield increased from 50-100 to 50-150
- Jack in the Box (W) damage per hit AP ratio lowered from 10% to 9%
- Two-Shiv Poison (E) AP ratio lowered from 55% to 50%
[Changelist - differs slightly!]
Biscuit Delivery
- Carve shred increased from [4% per stack up to 24%] to [5% per stack up to 30%]
Staff of Flowing Water
Divine Sunderer
[Changelist - differs slightly!]
- Sellback gold lowered from 30 to 5
Hail of Blades
TFT Traits
- 4 unit abomination health increased from 1400 to 1500
- 5 unit abomination health increased from 1800 to 2000
Tier 2
- Stat steal % lowered from 30/35/45% to 25/30/40%
- damage lowered from 200/300/600 to 200/300/550
- Bonus magic damage lowered from 40/60/100 to 40/60/90
Tier 3
- damage reduction lowered from 75/80/90 to 75%
- Attack speed lowered from 80/90/120% to 70/80/120%
- Attack speed duration lowered from 5 to 4
Tier 4
- Damage lowered from 200/260/700 to 200/250/600
- Attack speed increased from 20/25/50% to 20/25/60%
- Damage lowered from 1000/1250/4000 to 950/1150/4000
- % AD increased from 150/160/340% to 160/170/340%
Tier 5
- Damage increased from 400/600/7777 to 500/650/7777
- Heal on next 2 attacks lowered from 20/25/100% to 15/20/50%
Context & Notes
1) Here's Riot Scruffy with the 11.11 balance changelist:
"Patch Preview 11.11 with tentative changes. Nearly done, but there may still be adjustments.
-Added tank legendary changes-Added Singed-Removed a few that didn't hold up on closer investigation"
2) Here's the latest from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads for this cycle's PROJECT skins:
edited in response to feedback comments
Thanks all for your detailed feedback! Overall, a really strong response to this skin and a lot of great points were brought up to the team. Here's a list of changes that will be made!
Upcoming changes for PROJECT: Mordekaiser:Thanks everyone! <3"
- Homeguard: Will be adding more VFX. To further clarify, his homeguard is not the same as base. Some changes were made but kept close to base to stay in line with gameplay clarity. The team prioritized a lot of time and resources into Mordekaiser's city and emotes so unfortunately, his homeguard was not part of the main focus for this skin.
- Dance music too quiet: Volume will be increased.
- Passive hit VFX: updating with a recolor to match the Ultimate recolor
- Adding small cast effect on the passive area of effect
- Adding more details to basic attack hit impacts and basic attack swipes
- Adding a critical impact effect in order to match hit animation direction
- Adding Ultimate target's overlay silhouette to champions to retain visibility when outside of Ultimate ring
- Walk to idle: fixing transition to be more smoother on right forearm
"edited in response to feedback comments
PROJECT: Renekton response/changes:Thanks all for your feedback! <3"
- Helmet toggle: helmet can be toggled between "Reacts to combat" and "Permanently on" by hitting Ctrl+5 or typing /toggle in chat
- similarity to PROJECT: Warwick: This issue was considered through our design iterations. Our solution for gameplay clarity was Renekton's huge weapon and claws.
Edited to add PBE Feedback Notes
All changes will be on PBE in the next couple of days."
- Updated Sejuani's visor to be more transparent, to better align with the splash. Her border icon and event chroma icon have also been updated to match.
- We've cross checked PROJECT: Sejuani's SFX with base and ensured volume levels are similar.
- (R) - Added some extra particles to help it feel a bit stronger.
- (Q) - Added some more subtle VFX whooshes.
- (E) - Adjusted some glows so it's not as bright, but because of the color scheme, it still needs to be kind of bright so players can see it in the river.
- Passive - Made the bottom part rotate in the opposite direction and toned it down, to avoid it reading like Gnar's passive.
3) Reina Sweet provided a changelist for Nexus Blitz on the PBE:
And, here's the full Nexus Blitz changes for next release. :)
Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
- 5/11 PBE Update: PROJECT 2021 Skins, Chromas & More
- 5/12 PBE Update: Summoner Icon, Chromas, & More
- 5/14 PBE Update: Splash Art, Loot assets & More
- 5/17 PBE Update: Summoner Icon Tweaks & Tentative Balance Changes