Patch 11.10 & TFT Notes

Patch 11.10 is scheduled for Wednesday, May 11th and the official patch notes and TFT patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including the Arcana skins, and a look at the Triumphant & Victorious Little Legends!

Table of Contents

Patch 11.10 Notes

Check out the Patch 11.10 Notes:
Now that things are settling down after Midseason, we come bearing the meatiest part of this patch: a jungle update! There’s a big section you can scroll on down to, but the gist of it is that we’re making improvements to help the jungle experience feel less like a grind of swatting down camps of birds and wolves. We’re talking more lenient camp timers, a helping hand for junglers who are significantly behind in the game, and specific adjustments to jungle camps. 
Zooming back to balance changes, a certain axe man and a blade babe have been crossing the line, so we’re taking them down a notch. On the other end, we’re giving some love to a luminous lady and a wingwoman who haven’t been feeling their best. Phase Rush, a safe bet for ranged and melee users, gets a nerf, whereas Abyssal Mask gets a buff to secure it as a more potent MR option. 
Last but not least, Kog’Maw gets a VFX update, so prepare to be open-mouthed for a brushed up Mouth of the Abyss! (But not for too long— I hear he spits.) 
And that’s it! See ya in the next one. 
Take this portal to the TFT patch notes to see what's in the cards for the first patch of TFT: Reckoning! 
Tricia "mom cat" Tan
Hanna "shio shoujo" Woo 
Patch Highlights

Arcana Lucian, Arcana Tahm Kench, Arcana Xerath, and Arcana Camille will be available on May 13th, 2021.  
Passive base damage decreased.  
Bard's been overperforming at higher tiers of play due to his roaming capabilities. Obviously, it's Bard. Bard roams. So to preserve his unique strength as a roaming support, we're toning down his early lane damage instead.  
Passive - Traveler's Call 
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 40 >>> 30
E cooldown increased. 
Darius has been chopping up his foes left, right, and across levels of play. With high win rates in Elite and high ban rates in Average tiers, we're looking to make Apprehend less oppressive by giving his opponents more opportunities to farm  or mount a counter-attack. 
E - Apprehend 
  • COOLDOWN :: 24/21/18/15/12 seconds >>> 26/24/22/20/18 seconds
W cooldown now flat; magic damage shield decreased.  
Galio's been soaring high as a mid laner and support in Elite play. His shield is where a large part of the problem lies. With an early max, Galio’s durability remains strong throughout the course of the game, so we're giving his shield appropriate downtime and scaling to match. 
W - Shield of Durand 
  • COOLDOWN :: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds >>> 18 seconds 
  • MAGIC DAMAGE SHIELD :: 8/11/14/17/20% of maximum health >>> 8/9.75/11.5/13.25/15% of maximum health
Base armor decreased. R damage now capped against epic monsters.  
Despite Jinx's bugfix-nerf in 11.9, she’s still at the top of the marksmen heap. In addition to her big ol' deadly rocket to snipe objectives, she’s a safe pick to handle most scenarios. We’re making her more vulnerable to enemies who want to shut her down early on, then pulling back on a super mega frustrating point of her ult.  
Base Stats
  • ARMOR :: 28 >>> 26
R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
  • [NEW] SMALLER MEGA DEATH ROCKET :: Execute damage against epic monsters is now capped at 1000 (AoE damage is capped at 800)

Base movement speed decreased.  
Katarina’s been terrorizing Skilled play, so we're adjusting her roaming prowess due to the impact it can have on higher-leveled matches. 
Base Stats
  • MOVEMENT SPEED :: 340 >>> 335
Passive AP damage ratio and bonus attack range increased; Muramana bugfix. 
Kayle is a little weak across all levels of play, so we’re strengthening her moment of transformative ascension at level 16 so she can rain down damage from above. 
Passive - Divine Ascent 
  • AFLAME AP DAMAGE RATIO :: 20% >>> 25% 
  • TRANSCENDENT BONUS ATTACK RANGE :: 50 (575 total) >>> 100 (625 total)
  • MURAMANA BUGFIX :: Kayle's fire waves now properly apply Muramana's Shock
W max stacks bonus damage increased.  
This ninja’s lost his spark. We’re charging up the current in top lane.  
W - Electrical Surge 
  • MAXIMUM STACKS BONUS DAMAGE :: 10/20/30/40/50 (20% AP) (60/70/80/90/100% AD) >>> 20/30/40/50/60 (25% AP) (60/70/80/90/100% AD)
E damage increased.  
Our laser lady has been underperforming in mid and support, so we're putting more zap in her waveclear to help Lux players in the mid lane, as well as the support Lux players who tend to play more aggressively in the bot lane.  
E - Lucent Singularity 
  • DAMAGE :: 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP) >>> 60/110/160/210/260 (+65% AP)
E targeting updated.  
We’re updating Sejuani’s targeting so that she knows which boar bullseye to strike. 
E - Permafrost 
  • [UPD] TARGETING :: 250 for all targets >>> Prioritizes champions within 50 of cursor, then non-champions within 50 of cursor, then champions within 350 of cursor, then closest unit to cursor within 2500 (this only applies if there is no target directly under your cursor) 
Q bonus AD damage ratio decreased.  
Talon’s been raking it in as the premier mid lane roamer in Elite play. He’s able to pack a punch in lane, then dash and slash his enemies in the next lane over. We’re slowing down his roll by lowering some of his upfront burst and dialing down how much he spikes for each successful gank. 
Q - Noxian Diplomacy
  • DAMAGE RATIO :: 110% bonus AD >>> 100% bonus AD
Base health decreased; health growth increased.  
We tried to chain down Thresh in patch 11.8, but the Warden’s still keeping his enemies prisoner in Elite play. We’re lowering his early durability so that he’ll be more susceptible to all-ins. 
Base Stats 
  • HEALTH :: 561 >>> 530
  • HEALTH GROWTH :: 93 >>> 95 
Q base damage and empowered damage increased. W ally icon bugfix. 
It appears that the bot lane is full of dog people because Yuumi’s been a less ideal partner for marksman champions due to her more passive presence. To coax her back as a more active participant in lane, we’re giving her some damage from the outset so that her Q feels more like poke than a pat.  
Q - Prowling Projectile 
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 40/70/100/130/160/190 >>> 50/80/110/140/170/200
  • BASE EMPOWERED DAMAGE :: 45/85/125/165/205/245 >>> 60/100/140/180/220/260
W - You and Me!
  • ALLY ICON BUGFIX :: Yuumi's ally's level icon now properly reverts back to normal when Yuumi detaches from said ally 
Passive Vine Lasher slow increased. W cooldown decreased.  
Feeding Zyra’s plants more power and uptime so she gets more bang for her... bud. 
Passive - Garden of Thorns 
  • VINE LASHER SLOW :: 25% >>> 30% 
W - Rampant Growth 
  • COOLDOWN :: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds >>> 18/16/14/12/10 seconds
Abyssal Mask 
At all phases of the game, Abyssal Mask is getting overlooked in favor of more powerful defensive options. It could use some raw power to compete against its peers. 
  • HEALTH :: 350 >>> 400
  • UNMAKE DAMAGE RATIO :: 10% >>> 15% 
  • UNMAKE DURATION :: 4 seconds >>> 5 seconds  
Goredrinker has been on the weaker end of things for a while now and has been phasing out of fighter builds. Giving it a fighting chance by bumping up its healing. 
  • THIRSTING SLASH HEALING :: 25% AD (+8% of missing health) >>> 25% AD (+10% of missing health) 
Guinsoo's Rageblade  
Guinsoo’s has been in a rough spot, so we’re making it a more affordable option for on-hit champions to ramp up their damage earlier on in the game. 
  • COMBINE COST :: 1100g >>> 900g 
We're speeding up Riftmaker's stacking time and broadening the ways to trigger the stacking for a more satisfying and expected feel during combat. 
  • COMBAT TRIGGER :: Dealing damage to enemy champions >>> Dealing damage to and taking damage from enemy champions 
  • VOID CORRUPTION INCREASED DAMAGE PER SECOND :: 2%, stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 10% >>> 3%, stacking up to 3 times for a maximum of 9% 
Phase Rush 
Phase Rush dominates high-level play with its ability to provide safety both in lane and in extended fights. We're pumping the brakes for users across the board. We know a few champions are very tied to Phase Rush, and we'll be monitoring them closely over the patch and follow up as needed. 
  • COOLDOWN :: 15 seconds >>> 30-10 seconds (based on level) 
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 40%-60% for melee || 25-40% for ranged >>> 30%-60% for melee || 15-40% for ranged
Jungle Update 
Throughout patch notes history, the jungle has been changed in ways that have pushed PvE prowess to the highest levels of importance, where the priority is to farm fast to get ahead of the experience curve. This is even more pronounced in higher levels of play, where the champion pool has narrowed down to those with competitive clearing capabilities, making the jungle a solved system and a scary place when you fall behind. 
To address this, we’re relaxing camp timers to allow for more leniency on pathing through the jungle. We’re also reinstituting an improved version of the comeback experience which only kicks in when a jungler is significantly behind the game— now, if that’s the case, it shouldn't feel impossible to win. The intent isn’t so that a strategy is born out of the comeback mechanism, but instead to limit the number of games that feel truly out of hand due to a struggling jungler with no path to recover.  
Jungle Timers and Camp Gold  
Even the fastest clearing junglers have little to no downtime between finishing one camp from the next. Our original intent for this aggressive respawn timing was that there’s always an opportunity cost to taking any other action on the map, and this pacing reduced jungler presence in lanes at the very early game. The problem it brings in hand is twofold: Junglers never feel like they’ve finished farming, almost like the game was telling them they were failing at optimizing their clears, and windows to set up exciting ganks were far few in between. As a result, we’re partially walking back camp timer respawns from last year’s preseason. In addition, we’re also matching camp indicators to how players intuitively play around them so that you aren’t constantly stressed about being everywhere at once.  
  • CAMP RESPAWN TIMER :: 2 minutes >>> 2 minutes 15 seconds
  • CAMP RESPAWN GLOWING INDICATOR :: 15 seconds before camp spawns >>> 10 seconds before camp spawns
Comeback Experience 
Setting a jungler behind is usually a concerted team effort of countering ganks, blocking off access to buffs, and controlling vision—not just the enemy jungler clearing faster or counter-jungling. This combined with the unforgiving pathing optimization due to aggressive 2:00 respawn timers leads to cases where junglers who fall behind, stay behind, and it’s far less likely they have the ability to stabilize in comparison to other roles.  
In lane, losing a turret means you’re farming closer to the safety of your base and enemies have to extend into your half of the map to fight you. But the jungle works counter to that, since a turret going down makes its neighboring section of the jungle drastically less safe for the rest of the game, since you have to extend past your inner turrets to farm it.  
All this being said, we don’t expect most players to run into this comeback experience, except in the most dire of circumstances. And ultimately, although this catchup boost is a helping hand, it won’t make struggling junglers as strong as they would have been, had they never fallen behind.  
  • [NEW] THE COMEBACK KID :: When a jungler is at least two levels below the average level of all players in the game, they get increased XP from large and epic monsters. These camps will grant 50 XP more per level below the average level of all players in the game.    
A jungler’s nothing without his Summoner Spell, so we’re slapping on some quality of life buffs to Smite. No longer do you have to check your Smite tooltip or buff bar when approaching an epic monster, and now you should be more equipped to secure objectives. 
  • SMITE DAMAGE TO MONSTERS :: 390-1000 (based on levels) >>> 450 at base, 900 after Smite quest completion 
  • [NEW] UNSEALED SPELLBOOK SWAP SMITE DAMAGE :: Smite damage now increases after swapping summoner spells twice 
  • [NEW] SCUTTLE ON BACK :: Smite and any crowd control now breaks Rift Scuttle's shield before applying damage 
Putting Omnivamp on jungle items in preseason improved clarity by eliminating a wordy jungle-specific regen mechanic. But it also skewed towards benefiting champions who could clear fast (i.e. take less damage) and use the bonus as a health battery as the game went on. We’re pulling power out of Omnivamp while increasing the flat restore you get from Smite, and reducing jungle camp damage across the board, especially small AoE camps. This way, junglers are less punished when they aren’t able to instantly clear them.  
  • OMNIVAMP ON JUNGLE ITEMS :: 10% >>> 8% 
  • SMITE HEAL FROM MAX HEALTH :: 10% >>> 15% 
Jungle Monster Camp Changes 
And to top it all off, we adjusted specific jungle camps based on our overarching goals: 1. Reduce incoming damage from jungle camps to offset the reduced healing from omnivamp, 2. change jungle monsters' health to offset the higher Smite damage, and 3. change gold values to offset income lost by spawn timers. 
Jungle Camp Attack Damage:
  • BLUE SENTINEL :: 82-303 (levels 1-18) >>> 78-234 (levels 1-18)
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK :: 82-303 (levels 1-18) >>> 78-234 (levels 1-18)
  • GROMP :: 80-253 (levels 1-18) >>> 78-234 (levels 1-18)
  • MURKWOLF :: 42-156 (levels 1-18) >>> 35-105 (levels 1-18)
  • SMALLER MURKWOLVES :: 16-59 (levels 1-18) >>> 10-30 (levels 1-18)
  • CRIMSON RAPTOR :: 20-74 (levels 1-18) >>> 20-60 (levels 1-18)
  • RAPTORS :: 13-49 (levels 1-18) >>> 10-30 (levels 1-18)
  • BIG KRUG :: 80-303 (levels 1-18) >>> 78-234 (levels 1-18)
  • MEDIUM KRUG :: 25-93 (levels 1-18) >>> 20-60 (levels 1-18)
  • MINI KRUGS :: 17-63 (levels 1-18) >>> 13-39 (levels 1-18)

Jungle Camp Health:
  • BLUE SENTINEL  :: 1800-3150 (levels 1-18) >>> 1850-3238 (levels 1-18)
  • RED BRAMBLEBACK :: 1800-3150 (levels 1-18) >>> 1850-3238 (levels 1-18)
  • RIFT SCUTTLER :: 1000-2066 (levels 1-17) >>> 1050-2170 (levels 1-17)

Jungle Camp Gold: 
  • MINI KRUG :: 12 >>> 13
  • MURKWOLF :: 55g >>> 65g
  • GROMP:: 85g >>> 90g
  • CRIMSON RAPTOR :: 35g >>> 45g
VFX Updates 
We‘re back at it again with another set of VFX updates, this time for everyone's favorite void pupper, Kog'Maw! 
Once again, our goals for these sorts of smaller updates is to improve the overall gameplay clarity of VFX (here’s a whole article about it) while bringing them up to modern League of Legends standards. This means that our efforts are primarily aimed at abilities which do not clearly communicate their hitbox. 
  • PASSIVE - ICATHIAN SURPRISE :: Reduced noise and improved clarity with regards to the size of the explosion
  • BASIC ATTACK :: New missiles and hit effects
  • Q - CAUSTIC SPITTLE :: New hit effects and a new missile to better represent its actual hitbox 
  • W - BIO-ARCANE BARRAGE :: New effects to make Kog'Maw more representative of the Void
  • E - VOID OOZE :: New hit effects and a new missile to better represent its actual hitbox 
  • R - LIVING ARTILLERY :: New effects that better represent the hitbox
Kog'Maw Skins
  • BASE KOG'MAW :: Updated character texture
  • REINDEER KOG'MAW :: Added new recolors to all VFX
  • DEEP SEA KOG'MAW :: Added new recolors to all VFX
  • JURASSIC KOG'MAW :: Added new recolors to all VFX
  • LION DANCE KOG'MAW :: New unique VFX on E; updated R and Q VFX
  • PUG'MAW :: All VFX updated
  • ALL OTHER KOG'MAW SKINS :: R updated to show hitbox more clearly
Bugfixes/QoL Changes 
  • Updated the width of Pyke's E - Phantom Undertow's VFX to better match the hitbox
  • Fixed a bug where the black ticks in the health bars would go missing
  • Fixed a bug where Sanguine Blade's "healing from physical vamp against champions" counter so that it accurately displays the amount of healing the user receives 
  • Aurelion Sol's Q - Starsurge's stun and R - Voice of Light's knock-up are no longer delayed by up to 0.25 seconds
  • The Rift Herald will no longer spawn the wrong way
  • Fixed a bug where Fizz was unable to gain Tear of the Goddess stacks when killing minions with W - Seastone Trident
  • When a player completes Cull's Reap's minion kill requirement via their ally's Relic Shield's Spoils of War, the player now properly gains the 350 gold from Cull
  • Yone's Q - Mortal Steel no longer only activates Navori Quickblade at point-blank range
  • Navori Quickblade now properly triggers when Yasuo uses his E - Sweeping Blade and Q - Steel Tempest combo
  • If a player's inventory is full and they sell their Trinket, attempting to purchase a Wardstone will no longer subtract its gold cost given that the player's inventory is full
  • Fixed a bug where melee champions would gain 54% bonus attack range from Rapid Firecannon instead of the expected 35%
  • Death's Dance no longer extends Aspect of the Dragon's burn damage longer than intended (3 seconds)
  • Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks' Passive - A Harmless Scarecrow effigies would not be usable for the rest of the game if the user sold their Poro Snax at the shop in ARAM
  • Fixed a bug where Akali would deal double E - Shuriken Flip damage if her target was very close to a wall
  • Vladimir no longer becomes targetable when his W - Sanguine Poolends after using Zhonya's Hourglass' Stasis during the ability
Upcoming Skins & Chromas 
The following skins will be released in this patch:  
The following chromas will be released this patch: 


Champion Skins

Four new skins will be available this patch:

Arcana Camille

1350 RP
"Poised precariously above the city, on the edge of High Arcana, Camille's power comes from surprise and defying expectations. Her patterns seem confusing and alarming-- even perilous-- to those who cross her path, but they always resolve to her benefit. When burdened on the brink, Camille is at her strongest, but no one truly knows what she plans to use all that strength for..."

Arcana Lucian

1350 RP
"Lucian believes in balance: that no one Archetype should have excessive influence on the world. With one gun amplifying patterns and the other canceling them out, Lucian maintains the world's fragile order within the new power vacuum-- even as the likes of Tahm Kench move to fill it."

Arcana Tahm Kench

1350 RP
"The epitome of power and opulence, Tahm Kench's power drips from his tongue. Its ornate patterns captivate and cajole his listeners. He leverages those he rules, staking his power to ensure the patterns always shift in his favor-- "correcting" his subjects who have gone astray."

Arcana Xerath

1350 RP
"Ensnared by his own desires, Xerath leads citizens of Low Arcana to act on their basest urges. The more they are entranced by the forbidden, the more his power grows. But while Xerath believes their temptation will lead to his deliverance, he does not realize that the stronger he becomes, the more tightly his chains bind him."


Chromas for the Arcana skins will also be available this patch:

Arcana Camille
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Lucian
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Tahm Kench 
[8 Chromas]

Arcana Xerath
[8 Chromas]

Summoner Icons

Several new summoner icons will be available this patch:

Champie Icons
"This icon was released in the store for purchase in 2021."

Blood Moon Aatrox Merch Icon
"This icon was acquired by making a purchase from the merch store."

Pride 2021 Icon
"This icon was earned through missions in celebration of May 17th, 2021."


New emotes will be available sometime this patch:

Pride 2021, Beside You

Teamfight Tactics Patch 11.10 Notes

Check out the Patch 11.10 notes:
"Welcome Reckoners, 
Patch 11.10 brings new win conditions by increasing the late game potential of 3 star 3-cost units. We’re also reducing the power on some of the 4 and 5-cost all-stars to open up comp diversity. Finally, we’re buffing underutilized items (Shadow especially) to empower more creative itemization. Oh, and one more thing… We also fixed the Staff Drop Boom. 


Despite the dark aesthetic of Reckoning, we’re letting all the traits shine!
  • Abomination Monstrosity Base Health: 1000/1300/1600 ⇒ 1000/1400/1800
  • Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Health per Star Level: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/140/180
  • Abomination Monstrosity Base Attack Damage: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/150/200
  • Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Attack Damage per Star Level: 10/13/16 ⇒ 10/15/20
  • Cavalier Damage Reduction: 15/25/35% ⇒ 15/30/45%
  • Dragonslayer Trait Dragonslayer Champion Ability Power: 30/70 ⇒ 30/80
  • Dragonslayer Trait non-Dragonslayer Ability Power: 20/50 ⇒ 20/60
  • Forgotten Attack Damage and Ability Power: 30/80/140 ⇒ 30/70/160
  • Knight Damage Reduction: 15/40/75 ⇒ 15/40/90
  • Mystic Magic Resist: 40/100/180 ⇒ 40/100/200
  • Verdant Crowd Control Immunity Duration: 4/6 ⇒ 5/8 seconds
Tier 1 
While not OP, Leona’s excessive tankiness can be a barrier to fun. We’re nerfing her damage reduction, but giving her some base Attack Damage to compensate.
  • Aatrox Deathbringer Strike Attack Damage: 220/240/280% ⇒ 260/280/360%
  • Leona Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 80
  • Leona Solar Barrier Damage Reduction: 40/80/400 ⇒ 30/60/250
  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers AD Reduction: 40/40/60% ⇒ 40/40/40%
  • Vayne Attack Damage: 25 ⇒ 30
  • Vayne Silver Bolts Damage: 90/120/160 ⇒ 70/100/150
  • Udyr Feral Instinct (Tiger stance) Attack Damage: 110/120/160% ⇒ 130/140/200%
  • Warwick Infinite Duress Damage: 200/300/400 ⇒ 200/300/450
Tier 2 
LeBlanc’s been shooting two chains like a rapper out of Georgia. So we’re going to nerf her two times, once in our 11.9B Patch, and another time right here.
  • Brand Sear Damage: 700/900/1400 ⇒ 600/900/1500
  • Hecarim Starting Mana: 0/90 ⇒ 40/90
  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Stun Duration: 1.5/2/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds
  • Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing
  • Trundle Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8
  • Trundle Mana: 0/70 ⇒ 0/60
  • Viktor Siphon Power Damage: 300/500/750 ⇒ 300/500/850
  • Viktor Siphon Power Shield: 150/250/375 ⇒ 150/250/425
Tier 3 
Grab your reading glasses, cause this is where we go all in on creating alternative win conditions by empowering 3-cost carry compositions. Of note here is the bug fix for Nocturne that will increase the healing of our favorite jumping nightmare blender. The only 3-cost being nerfed here is Morgana, who has seen an absurd amount of play with her multiple traits and strong Crowd Control.
  • Katarina Health: 650 ⇒ 700
  • Katarina Sinister Blade Initial Damage: 200/250/400 ⇒ 200/250/450
  • Katarina Sinister Blade Secondary Damage: 100/125/200 ⇒ 100/125/225
  • Lee Sin Health: 800 ⇒ 850
  • Lee Sin Cripple Damage: 200/300/650 ⇒ 250/350/750
  • Lulu Whimsy Targets: 3/4/5 ⇒ 3/4/6
  • Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away. Friendship knows no bounds.
  • Pantheon Aegis Assault Attack Damage Scaling: 350/400/500% ⇒ 400/450/650%
  • Morgana Soul Shackles Radius: 3 ⇒ 2 Hexes
  • Morgana Soul Shackles Secondary Damage: 200/300/550 ⇒ 250/300/550
  • Nidalee Max Mana Buff: 0/75 ⇒ 0/60
  • Nidalee Bonus Damage on next attack after dodging/critting: 100/150/300 ⇒ 100/150/375
  • Nocturne Bug Fix: Nocturne’s spinning slash now correctly heals him based on how much damage he deals rather than a pre-calculated amount based on his stats (he should now heal a lot more when itemized and hitting multiple enemies)
  • Nunu Max Mana Buff: 0/85 ⇒ 0/70
  • Riven Health: 800 ⇒ 850
  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Cast Time: 0.5 ⇒ 0.3 seconds
  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Bonus Attack Damage: 80/90/100% ⇒ 90/100/130%
  • Yasuo Burning Blade Strike Damage: 300/400/600 ⇒ 300/400/750
  • Yasuo Burning Blade Stacking On-hit True Damage: 30/40/60 ⇒ 30/40/75
  • Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 250/350/600 ⇒ 250/350/700
Tier 4 
The Aphelios changes are meant to be power neutral after the B patch nerf last week. Just make sure you’re building some crit with your swords and bows.
  • Aphelios Bugfix: Dark Vigil can now critically strike
  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Attack Damage: 160/180/220% ⇒ 140/150/180%
  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Base Damage: 150/200/400 ⇒ 100/150/300
  • Ivern Ability Power granted to Daisy on recasts is now a flat amount of Ability Power rather than a Percentage
  • Ivern Daisy! Ability Power Bonus: 50/75/300% ⇒ 100/150/300
  • Ivern’s Daisy Damage: 200/250/1000 ⇒ 250/350/1200
  • Mordekaiser Max Mana Nerf: 0/60 ⇒ 0/70
  • Rell Attract and Repel Stun Duration: 2/2.5/8 ⇒ 1.5/2/8 seconds
Tier 5 
The Kindred changes below affect Wolf’s gameplay, and not Lamb’s Respite (Lamb’s Ability).
  • Garen God-Lion’s Justice Max Health Shield: 50/50/200% ⇒ 40/50/200%
  • Heimerdinger Max Mana Nerf: 0/120 ⇒ 0/140
  • Heimerdinger Turret Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125
  • Kindred, Wolf’s Damage: 300/550/9999 ⇒ 300/400/9999
  • Kindred, Wolf’s Healing: 150/275/9999 ⇒ 150/200/9999
  • Teemo’s Cruelty Infernal Souls Thrown: 4/6/42 ⇒ 5/6/42
I hope you still have your reading glasses around. Many Shadow items that have steep trade-offs and low play rates have been buffed. And yes, the Monstrosity can now summon Voidlings at a reduced power.
  • Chalice of Power Bonus Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 25
  • Chalice of Malice Bonus Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 40
  • Dark Shroud of Stillness no longer affects the wearer
  • Dragon’s Claw Magic Resist: 200 ⇒ 250
  • Eclipse Cape Self Burn Per Second: 4% ⇒ 2.5% of max Health
  • Evil Giant Slayer Renamed to Spectral Giant Slayer
  • Spectral Giant Slayer Damage Penalty Below Threshold: -15% ⇒ 0%
  • Frozen Dark Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 50% ⇒ 35%
  • Frozen Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 35% ⇒ 25%
  • Guardian Fallen Angel Revive Health: 80% ⇒ 70% of max Health
  • Ionic Dark Spark Ally Damage: 100% ⇒ 50% of max Mana
  • Ionic Dark Spark Ability Power per Cast: 5 ⇒ 10
  • Locket of the Silver Lunari Bonus Resistances: 60 ⇒ 70
  • Sacrificial Gauntlet REWORKED EFFECT: The holder gains 40% Critical Strike Damage, and magic and true damage from their Ability can critically strike. The first time the holder casts their Ability each combat, they gain an additional 20% Critical Strike Chance for the remainder of combat (this bonus is also applied to the first Ability cast). Each time the holder casts their Ability, they deal 15% of their maximum Health to themselves as true damage.
  • Sacrificial Redemption Heal: 20% ⇒ 25% of missing Health
  • Sacrificial Redemption Self Damage: 10% ⇒ 5% of current Health
  • Spectral Spear of Shojin Damage Penalty: -20% ⇒ -15%
  • Titan’s Resolve Attack Damage and Ability Power per Stack: 2 ⇒ 3
  • Unstable Zz’Rot Portal that arise from summoned units are 50% effective
  • Warmog’s Sacrificial Armor Health Loss Per Second: 100 ⇒ 60
  • Zeke’s Bleak Herald Ally AS Reduction: 25% ⇒ 20%
  • Zz’Rot Portal Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are 25% effective
  • Spell Crits from Jeweled Gauntlet and Assassin will continue to work even if the caster dies
  • Dawnbringers will now properly die to large instances of damage even if their healing effect has yet to trigger
  • Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away
  • Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing
  • Revenant “revive available” visuals are now properly removed once the revive effect has been triggered
  • Rell’s spell now correctly triggers Trap Claw
  • The Monstrosity no longer gains 100 bonus Health at all trait levels
  • Heimerdinger turret now fires correctly in ghost armies
  • Units will now more responsively recognize that Wolf has moved when he leaps to Lamb to heal her, rather than waiting for his second leap to recognize his new position
  • Staff Drop boom has better sync between staff impact and damage numbers
  • Fixed a bug where stacking multiple Ionic Dark Sparks only granted the AP from one Ionic Dark Spark
  • Verdant no longer blocks the damage from Thresh’s ability
  • Viego will no longer attempt to cast on his target if his target goes untargetable as he reaches full mana (e.g., GA or Revenant)

Pride 2021 TFT Booms will be available sometime this patch:
  • Catseye
  • Citrine
  • Obsidian
  • Rainbow
  • Rose Quartz
  • Sapphire
  • Tanzanite

The Triumphant and Victorious Protector will be going out as TFT ranked rewards this patch:

Triumphant Protector

Victorious Protector

As well as ranked reward emotes:

TFT Fates Act II [RANK]

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