Red Post Collection: QGT: June 11, Arcane Animated Series Clip + /Dev Diary, & More

Today's red post collection includes Scruffy's quick gameplay thoughts for June 11th, a new clip from the Arcane animated series, as well as a /dev Diary from the co-creators, a new TFT animation, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: June 11

Here's Riot Scruffy's final quick gameplay thoughts before his transition into a different role in Riot - "Future of Gameplay Thoughts."
"The Future of Quick Gameplay Thoughts 
Some of you may have already heard, but I’m transitioning from my role on the League team to be Game Director on Riot’s MMORPG project. Along with handing off my responsibilities as Gameplay Design Director to the current (and new) design leads we’re continuing these gameplay thoughts blogs in a slightly different form. 
You can still expect to get a dev blog every 2 weeks covering a range of topics from Champions, reworks, balance, items, runes, player behavior, matchmaking, and anything else we may be working on. These will cover both what we’re doing, changes in direction, philosophy around our design decisions, and retrospectives on our past work. 
What is changing is that instead of a single author (like the way Meddler and I had been doing this) we will have a cast of different designers and developers covering their teams' work and philosophies. It’ll be great to have a few more voices represented here and that will bring you more fresh perspectives and insights into areas that I wasn’t as close to. 
Some of the people you’re likely to hear from:
  • Meddler - Game Director
  • Fearless - (new) Design Director
  • (Coming Soon) - (new) Gameplay design lead
  • Riot Brightmoon - Gameplay production lead
  • Codebear - Competitive team producer
  • BarackProbama - Competitive team design lead
  • Jag - Summoner’s Rift team design lead
  • Riot Petrie - Summoner’s Rift team producer
  • Reav3 - Champions team producer
  • Riot Axes - Champions design lead
  • Riot Rovient - Personalization (skins) design lead 
I just wanted to say thank you again to you all for being such an engaged and wonderful community. I’ve had the time of my life working on League of Legends these past 8 years and I’m looking forward to engaging with you all again (after a while) when we have more to show on the MMO. Stay safe out there and I’ll be seeing you on the rift."



  • New details on the Arcane animated series are now available! First up, here's a new clip featuring Jinx and Vi:
    • Check out these stills from the video:
    • Here's a new /dev: diary from Praeco and Skribbles:
"We sit down with co-creators Christian Linke and Alex Yee to dive into Arcane. Watch now for more about the show’s setting, story, and two very unique sisters. Arcane the animated series is coming to Netflix Fall 2021."
  • Here's a fun new TFT animation - "Rescue Party | Animated Trailer"
As the Black Mist spreads across the Convergence, Fenroar and River Sprite make their daring escape.

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