Red Post Collection: Patch 11.17 & TFT Notes, Pentakill III: Lost Chapter, & More

Today's red post collection includes the Patch 11.17 & TFT notes, teasers and videos for the Pentakill III: Lost Chapter album release, regional price changed, Riot Mobile, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Patch 11.17 Notes

The Patch 11.17 Notes are now available!
"It's a bird... it's a plane... it's patch 11.17! (And a new patch notes author, now that mom cat has left us for taller scratching posts!)

In this episode of Crime City Nightmare, heroes and villains alike prepare to fight once again. The newest champion in town refines his toolkit, our favorite sad mummy finds some extra bandages, and Lucian fights vigilantly in bot lane with his trusty sidekicks. Fleet Footwork is also getting some tweaks to help you fight (or flee from) your foes! These'll be our last big(ish) updates for a while because, starting next patch, we’ll be extra careful about any changes with Worlds approaching soon.

There's your mission debriefing for today, folks. Be careful out there—they say you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. To be continued...

If you're looking for a safe haven from Crime City, take this portal to the TFT patch notes where crimes only happen when you take my carousel item!

[Full Patch notes here!] 

Teamfight Tactics Patch 11.17 Notes

The TFT patch 11.17 notes are now available!
"Welcome back Adventurers! 
There’s lots happening in patch 11.17. Make way 3-cost carries, cause we’re opening up some space for more 4 and 5-cost champs to ensure reroll strategies and late-game carries all have their place in the meta. Speaking of meta, we’ve got reworks for the Sentinel and Spellweaver traits, that with some tinkering are sure to make big impact. Also, don’t forget about the 11.16 Mid-Patch Updates where we brought down the nerf hammer on your favorite small, yet not-so-innocent, Yordles. Let’s get to it! 

[Full Patch Notes here!] 

Pentakill III: Lost Chapter

The next Pentakill album, Pentakill III: Lost Chapter, is blasting it's way into your ears on September 8th! New skins have been revealed and let loose on the PBE for testing, and the Riot Games Music twitter has been releasing videos on the backstory of the Pentakill universe!

Pentakill - conquerors of a land of myth and metal, where dark gods of music have toyed with the fates of mortal bands for millennia. Now the dominant sound of this world, Pentakill’s story is about to enter a new chapter... 
Adoring fans reinvigorate Karthus's spirit (and his flesh), rally to Kayle's indomitable voice, and tremble at the sight of Mordekaiser within his mighty forge below the arena. Meet the vanguard of Pentakill. 
From weaving together ancient harmonies to unleashing relentless percussive assaults, Yorick, Sona, and Olaf hold mastery over the dark rhythms of this world.
A new story was also released on the Universe!
I: Herald of the Forbidden God


The word struck Melodie’s ear like a lash, echoing from beyond the temple’s walls and jarring her from the familiar calm of her meditations.

Her fingers ceased their dance along the strings of her praytar, her eyes of warm hazel flickering open to take in the arched stonework of the temple’s inner sanctum. Setting down the instrument with all the reverence due to the worldly object that enabled her communion with blessed Cacophoni, Melodie rose and made for the entrance, and the source of the disquieting voice.

She lifted the veil of lacquered plectrums she wore over her face, before whorls of incense and the midday light of the suns stole her sight for a moment. The city sprawled out before her, stone and iron and glass wrought into brutal harmony by the chosen of the gods. Grand monoliths hung in the sky, carrying and strengthening the tolling of the Temporonomicon, the rhythmic heartbeat of the world.

All was in tune—save for that single, angry voice whose owner Melodie now beheld from the top of the temple steps."

[Read the full story here!]

Regional Price Changes And Global Bonus Currency

Here's an update on pricing changes from SmileyJoe - "We’re updating pricing in some regions on September 8th."
TL;DR: We’re updating our pricing for some regions for Teamfight Tactics and League of Legends on September 8th.
  • Brazil, Latin America, Russia, and Turkey will see increased prices due to exchange rates and tax changes.
  • From August 23rd to September 8th, players will receive double Bonus Currency from all virtual currency purchases.
Hello all, 
Periodically Riot evaluates global pricing and makes adjustments to account for changes in currency fluctuations, taxation, and regional discrepancies. These changes can be both increases or decreases. 
This year, we’re making changes to pricing in Brazil, Latin America, Russia, and Turkey. Below you’ll find the changes that will take effect on September 8th across League of Legends (including Teamfight Tactics). 
Before this goes live, we’re doubling the Bonus Currency you get with each purchase from August 23rd to September 8th regardless of whether you’re impacted by the price changes.
Example: In League of Legends the 2600 RP bundle will grant 400 bonus RP (normally this is 200 bonus RP) 
This promotion activates August 23rd around 1:00 PM PDT (change may take an hour to complete) and lasts until September 8th, 1:00 PM PDT. 
League of Legends (including Teamfight Tactics) Price Changes
  • Brazil: +15% average price increase
  • Chile: +9% average price increase
  • Colombia: +9% average price increase
  • Costa Rica: +9% average price increase
  • Mexico: +10% average price increase
  • Peru: +17% average price increase
  • Russia: +7% average price increase
  • Turkey: +17% average price increase
  • Uruguay: +16% average price increase"

Hello Riot Mobile! Farewell League+

Here's Lex White with details on a new app and the transition away from League+ - "Download Riot Mobile - your companion for all things Riot Games!"
"The world today looks much different than it did when we originally launched League+ in 2019. Our portfolio of games has greatly expanded, we’re launching a new animated series, and many of our players are now enjoying other Riot experiences in addition to playing League of Legends. To make it easier to navigate this ever-expanding ecosystem, we are transitioning League+ into a mobile companion for all games and products at Riot. 
We are so excited to finally announce the launch of Riot Mobile and get this utility into the hands of our players! 
In this article, we’ll cover the rebrand of League+, stability and performance issues we are addressing for players, and what to expect over the next few months. 
Introducing Riot Mobile 
The first thing you should know is that on October 4th, 2021 League+ will be upgraded to Riot Mobile. When we set out on this project, our goal was to create an experience for players that made it easy to discover new content and activities to engage with, stay informed across all of our titles and events, and connect to other Riot players outside of the game. 
We’ve made a lot of progress since our last update and we’re excited to share what we’ve been cooking up over the last several months. 
Here are the key highlights: 
New Look & Feel 

Our design team has worked hard to enhance your experience on mobile and build a solid foundation for some really cool features coming in 2022 focused on esports, more access to content, and personalization. 
For v1.0, the enhanced Riot Mobile experience includes:
  • Player Profiles
  • Cross-Game & Cross-Region Chat
  • Quick Paths to Search for Friends & Start Conversations
Multi-game Newsfeed

If you’re looking for an easy way to stay up to date with the games and events that matter most to you, Riot Mobile has you covered. At launch we’ll support the following titles, but will continue to expand as we release new experiences: 
  • League of Legends
  • League of Legends: Wild Rift
  • Legends of Runeterra
  • Team Fight Tactics 
Don’t worry if you only play one of our games. Riot Mobile allows players to easily set filters so they only see the content and experiences that they care about the most. 
What’s on the Horizon for Riot Mobile? 
The pivot to multi-game is a huge undertaking that will keep us busy for a while. Our main focus will be making it easier for players to connect with the content and people they enjoy across all of our titles in a fun and comfortable way. 
You will start to see significant improvements to experiences around esports, match history and player security shortly after our initial launch. 
An Update on Stability & Performance

We appreciate your feedback and have done our best to address many of your concerns around crashes, chat issues and notifications. While some of these fixes are already resolved within League+, there are some improvements that will only be included in the Riot Mobile app -- so be sure to update to Riot Mobile on October 4th when it becomes available in the App Store and Google Play Store. 
  • Crashes During Login - Fixed in League+ v1.10.6
  • iOS Match History Crashes - Fixed in League+ v1.10.6
  • Match History Not Loading - Fixed in League+ v1.9.7
    • Certain regions may have issues accessing Match History for players based in a different region
  • Deleted Chat History - Fixed in League+ v1.9.7
  • Delays with Chat Push Notifications - Being investigated. Targeting fix for Riot Mobile.
  • Frequent Logouts - Being investigated. Targeting fix for Riot Mobile. 
How to Download Riot Mobile 
Good news. If you already have League+ installed on your phone and have automatic updates set up, the app will automatically update when it’s available in your region. 
If you don’t, we recommend heading over to your preferred app store and downloading League+ now so you’ll be part of the first wave to experience Riot Mobile when it launches. 
Tell us what you think! 
Player feedback has been the critical component to ensure we are delivering real value to players. Please help us help you by using the hashtag #helloriotmobile on Twitter so we can use your feedback to further improve the Riot Mobile experience. Or share your feedback directly on the App Store or Google Play Store."


"Summoner's Rift Team's is trying some new tactics for the patches leading up to League's World Championship. Read up here!  
spoilers: it's 3 pages of Corki buffs."

Other Games

Legends of Runeterra
  • Here's the latest from the @PlayRuneterra twitter:

Wild Rift
  • Here's the latest from the @WildRift Twitter:

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