11/2 PBE Update: Cafe Cuties, Arcane Jinx + Caitlyn, Caitlyn Art Sustainability Update, & more!

Posted on at 4:11 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! As we kick off the new 11.23 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new Cafe Cuties skins for Annie, Bard, Gwen, Sivir, Soraka, and Vladimir, new Arcane Inspired skins for Caitlyn and Jinx, the Caitlyn Art Sustainability Update, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

As preview earlier today, the six new Cafe Cuties skins are now on the PBE including Annie, Bard, Gwen, Sivir, Soraka, and Vladimir! We also have new Arcane inspired skins for Jinx and Caitlyn!

Cafe Cuties Annie

1350 RP
Daughter of the cafe's owner and an accomplished pastry mage wunderkind, Annie has a sweet tooth to be reckoned with. Though her occasional hangry tantrums send her enchanted gummy bear scouring the cafe for any morsel of food fit for his master, with a full belly Annie is as sweet as sugar!

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Annie:
"Have you seen my bear Tibbers? 
Cafe Cuties Annie comes with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall!
Cafe Cuties Annie should be already available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below! 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"


Cafe Cuties Bard

1350 RP
Bard is a wandering wordless connoisseur of the finest cafes. If he leaves behind a blessing in the form of a teacup? A hundred years of sweet success. No one knows where the Teapot Troubadour came from, or if he has a purpose beyond delighting in patisserie, but a visit from Bard instantly puts any cafe on the map!

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Bard:
"Bard chimes.~ 
Cafe Cuties Bard comes with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall! 
Cafe Cuties Bard should be already available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below! 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"


Cafe Cuties Gwen

1350 RP
Gwen is the friendly face of customer service for the cafe, always there to welcome patrons with a smile and an immaculately-plated pastry. Don't be fooled, though-- she isn't afraid to use her candy-cutting shears for other things when rogue customers threaten her friends.

Here's RiotLavenderKira on /r/LeaguePBE with a bugs and feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Gwen.
"Just like the good old times. Sweet, simple, and out of control!"

Cafe Cuties Gwen is heading onto the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Cafe Cuties Gwen is set to be 1350 RP. Cafe Cuties Gwen will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!"

Cafe Cuties Sivir

1350 RP
Sivir began as a pastry chef, but has since transitioned to "front-of-house defense specialist". Her protective nature has gotten her into a few scraps with unruly customers, but Sivir's love of her work, her friends, and the cafe is what she's really fighting for. If you want to talk to the manager, she's got some words for you, too.

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Sivir:
Cafe Cuties Sivir comes with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall!
Cafe Cuties Sivir should be already available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below! 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"

Cafe Cuties Soraka

1350 RP
Good food can be healing, and Soraka works hard to imbue every single pastry she makes with delicious magic that leaves her customers feeling more spritely than when they first walked in. Though her origins are mysterious, the whole cafe agrees: Soraka's work is out of this world!

Here's 6armedrobot on /r/LeaguePBE with a bugs and feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Soraka.
"Hello All!

"Yes, that was a banana. giggles No one expects the banana."

Cafe Cuties Soraka is heading onto the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Cafe Cuties Soraka is set to be 1350 RP.

Cafe Cuties Soraka will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!


Cafe Cuties Vladimir

1350 RP
Vladimir spent years searching for the elixir of life-- only to discover that it is, in fact, tea. Since then he has steeped himself in the art of the perfect cup. Though he pretends to frequent the cafe solely to advance his Tasseomancy, Vladimir has grown fond of the ragtag group that allowed him to take up residence among their ranks.

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for Cafe Cuties Vladimir:
"Let's pool our efforts. 
Cafe Cuties Vladimir comes with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall! 
Cafe Cuties Vladimir should be already available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have so far down below! 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"

Arcane Jinx

[Obtained via missions in-game starting on November 24, 2021, then 975 RP after December 9, 2021 - [source]]
Celebrating the RiotX Arcane event.

Here's 6armedrobot with a /r/LeaguePBE bug & feedback thread for Arcane Jinx:
"Hello All!

Arcane Jinx is bringing destruction the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New Recall animation!

Arcane Jinx is a reward skin set to 975 RP on PBE only.

Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!


Arcane Caitlyn

[Obtained via missions in-game November 22, 2021, then 975 RP after December 9, 2021 - [source]]
Celebrating the RiotX Arcane event.

(Check below for full bug and feedback thread for Arcane and more on Caitlyn's ASU!)

Caitlyn Art Sustainability Update

Art Sustainability Update is here including updated looks and several new splash arts! You can read up on the recent goals for ASU's over here in September's Champion Roadmap. To kick things off, here's Riot Eneopa with a /r/LeaguePBE bugs & feedback thread for both the Caitlyn ASU and the new Arcane skin:
"Hi all!

I'm Riot Eneopa - new here. Super excited to meet you all! I'm helping out Riot Dead Thief on Arcane Caitlyn and Caitlyn ASU.

"Meet the long gun of the law."

We are happy to bring you the Caitlyn Art Sustainability Update where select skins have been shined & sparkled to a brand new finish to bring our favourite lawmaker up to date. Take a look through the turnarounds below, otherwise, you can find them available to play on PBE shortly with the new Arcane Caitlyn.

Caitlyn's are heading onto the Rift with:
  • Updated models and textures!
  • Updated VFX!
  • Updated SFX!
  • Updated recall animation!

Caitlyn's costs are set to be 0 RP. (except Arcane: obtained via missions in-game starting on November 8, 2021, then 975 RP after December 9, 2021*)*

As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/TbuYwUp
Resistance Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/58UN9SS
Sheriff Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/MpLeme1
Safari Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/JQHR2UA
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/bscVnRN
Officer Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/ykpIwhn
Headhunter Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/weeYNRo
Pool Party Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/7zZWutK
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/i9V0QBH
Arcade Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/N34IAWO
Prestige Arcade Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/HQGsV6M
Arcane Caitlyn - https://imgur.com/a/k52V4z8"

Updated Splashes and Turnarounds 


Arcane Caitlyn

Arcade Caitlyn

Arcade Caitlyn Prestige Edition

Resistance Caitlyn

Pool Party Caitlyn

Sheriff Caitlyn

Headhunter Caitlyn

Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

Lunar Wraith Caitlyn

Safari Caitlyn

Officer Caitlyn

Updated Chromas

Caitlyn Rebel

Lunar Wraith Caitlyn

Updated Voice:


Tons of chromas are now on the PBE:

Cafe Cuties Sivir
[8 Chromas]

Cafe Cuties Vladimir
[8 Chromas]

Cafe Cuties Gwen
[8 Chromas]

Cafe Cuties Bard
[8 Chromas]

Cafe Cuties Annie
[8 Chromas]

Cafe Cuties Soraka
[8 Chromas]

Here's Riot Ehrgeizsu with a bugs & feedback thread for the chromas this cycle:
"Hey everyone! 
We’ve got new Chromas coming up for:
  • Annie
  • Bard
  • Sivir
  • Vladimir
  • Gwen
  • Soraka
  • Caitlyn ASU 
Cafe Cuties Annie:https://imgur.com/KK6Yvtl
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Cafe Cuties Bard:
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Cafe Cuties Sivir:
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Cafe Cuties Vladimir:
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Cafe Cuties Gwen:
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Cafe Cuties Soraka:
  • New textures:
    • 8 Chromas
Caitlyn Rebel:
  • Updated textures:
    • 3 Chromas
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn:
  • Updated textures:
    • 1 Chromas
Pool Party Caitlyn:
  • Updated textures:
    • 5 Chromas 
Cafe Cuties & Caitlyn Chromas sets should be available on PBE soon! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets; and as usual, we’re looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback. 
Riot Ehrgeizsu"


Summoner Icons

Here's a look at new summoner icons on the PBE!

Arcane Jinx Icon, Arcane Heimerdinger Icon, Arcane Viktor Icon
This icon was acquired as a bundle-exclusive during 2021.

Arcane Caitlyn Icon, Arcane Ekko Icon
This icon was acquired as a bundle-exclusive during 2021.

Happy Birthday To Ahri Icon, Dynasty Ahri Chroma Icon
This icon was earned by completing an Ahri Birthday mission.

Cafe Cuties Meowssant Icon, Cafe Cuties Bloob Icon, Cafe Cuties Matcharlie Icon
This icon was released in the store for purchase.

Cafe Cuties Strawbeary Icon, Cafe Cuties Teadore Icon, Cafe Cuties Tibbers Icon
This icon was released in the store for purchase.

Worlds 2021 Champion Icon T1, Worlds 2021 Champion Icon EDward Gaming
Worlds 2021 Champion Icon DWK KIA, Worlds 2021 Champion Icon Gen. G
Worlds 2021 Winner Icon


New emotes are now on the PBE!


Worlds 2021 Champion T1, Worlds 2021 Champion EDward Gaming
Worlds 2021 Champion DWK KIAWorlds 2021 Champion Gen.G

Arcane Jinx, Arcane Vi


Happy Birthday to Ahri

Bitter Bloob, Monsieur Meowssant, Teary Teadore

TFT Reckoning Stage II [Rank]

Reckoning II - Hyper Roll: [Rank] Tier

TFT: Gizmos & Gadgets Testing

Final Testing Changelist

Here's the Final 11.22 TFT changelist from Riot Mort:
"Final PBE Update 
-Built Different
---Attack Speed: 40/60/80% >>> 50/65/80%
-Runic Shield
---Shield:  350/550/700% AP >>> 250/375/500% AP
-Stand United
---AD & AP: 3/4/6 >>>2/3/4
Tier 1
-Phony Frontline
---Dummy HP: 650 >>> 600
---Armor Pen: 25% >>> 20%
---Grievous Wounds Duration: 10 >>> 5 seconds
---12% HP regen >>> 10% HP regen 
-Unstable Evolution
---Stats: 500 HP/35% AS/35 AD/35 AP >>> 600 HP/40% AS/40AD/40 AP
Tier 2
-Shrug It Off
---Healing: 2% >>> 2.5%
-Clear Mind
---4 XP >>> 3 XP
-Spell Blade
---AP on hit: 40% >>> 50%
-Sunfire Board
---30% burn over 12 sec >>> 20% burn over 8 sec
-Woodland Charm
---Clone 1350 HP >>> 1200 HP
Tier 3
-Broken Stopwatch
---Delay: 6 >>> 5 seconds
---Freeze Duration: 4 >>> 5 seconds 
---AP & AD Per Cast: 3/5/7/10 >>> 3/5/10/15
---Bonus HP: 125/250/450/900 >>> 125/250/450/700
---Bonus AS: 30/50/75/125% >>> 30/60/90/145%
---Base AS: 10/20/40% >>> 10/25/50%
-Enchanter (Rework)
---Enchanter Bonus Healing & Shielding: 20/25/30/40% >>> 25/40/60/100%
---Lulu Healing: 400/425/450 >>> 325/350/375
---Taric Healing: 450/600/800 >>> 375/475/600
---Janna Healing: 350/450/1000 >>> 275/350/1000
---Orianna Shielding: 125/200/500 >>> 100/160/400
---Tyrant Damage: 60/100% >>> 75/125%
---Spell AD & AP: 30 >>> 25
---Hextech Dragon
---Spell Fear Duration: 3 sec >>> 4 sec
---Buff: 50% Crit Chance & Damage >>> 75% Crit Chance & Damage
---Lightning Damage: 400 >>> 750
---Rebalanced the 7 Mercenary drop tables to be slightly less powerful
---Cybernetic Version
---HP: 300/500 >>> 400/800
---AD: 30/50 >>> 30/60
---Darkstar Version
---AP/AD per ally death: 25/45 >>> 30/50
---Elderwood Version
---Armor & MR per sec: 20/30 >>> 18/25
---Predator/Void Version
---True Damage: 50% >>> 40%
---Shield: 20/30/50 >>> 20/35/60 HP per component
---Jinx AS: 60% >>> 40%
---Bonus Damage Per Hex: 7/15/25% >>> 8/16/30%
---Omnivamp: 25% >>> 20% 
1 Cost
---Spell Damage Reduction: 30% >>> 35%
2 Cost
---HP: 600 >>> 650
---Spell Damage: 190/240/320 >>> 180/225/300
---AD: 45 >>> 30
---Spell Damage: 4/5/7% >>> 6/7/10%
---Spell Damage: 500/700/1100 >>> 450/625/950
---Mana: 0/50 >>> 40/70
---Auto Percent HP Damage: 6/9/12% >>> 7/9/12%
---Auto Healing: 30/50/70 >>> 35/50/75
---Spell Damage: 250/400/650 >>> 250/375/600
---Spell Damage: 250/350/500 >>> 250/350/700
---Mana: 75/125 >>> 60/120
---AD: 45 >>> 50
3 Cost
---AD: 90 >>> 100
---Mana: 120/180 >>> 100/160
---Spell Attack Speed Buff: 50/70/125% >>> 40/50/70%
---Spell Base Damage: 125/175/250 >>> 125/150/200
---Hit Spell AD%: 180% >>> 170%
---Spell Damage: 65/95/130 >>>  70/100/150
---Range: 3 >>> 2 hexes
---Mana: 50/100 >>> 70/120
---Spell Damage: 750/950/1200 >>> 700/850/1000
-Miss Fortune
---Spell Damage: 275/375/575 >>> 300/400/600
---AD: 90 >>> 85
---Spell AD Ratio: 190% >>> 175%
---Spell Base Damage: 75/100/150 >>> 75/100/125
---HP: 750 >>> 800
4 Cost
---HP: 750 >>> 700
---Mana: 100/180 >>> 80/180
---Spell Stun Duration: 1/1/4 >>> 0.5/0.5/4 seconds
---AD: 90 >>> 95
---Spell Damage: 325/400/1000 >>> 300/360/750
---AD: 70 >>> 75
5 Cost
---Mana: 175/325 >>> 180/300
---Ranged Spell AD%: 160/170/500 >>> 170/180/500%
---Ranged AD Gain: 25/50/1000 >>> 35/60/1000
---Spell Missiles: 10/15/100 >>> 12/18/100
---Spell Damage: 75/100/180 >>> 80/100/180
---Spell Damage: 250/275/777 >>> 250/300/777
---Spell Damage: 60/80/247 >>> 45/80/247 
Bug Fixes
-The Exiles augment now grants a shield to units who spawn a Woodland Charm clone next to them (the clone does not receive a shield)
-The Ardent Censer augment (Enchanters) no longer triggers off of non-Enchanter healing & shielding
-Lulu’s Wild Growth now properly triggers the Ardent Censer augment’s bonus Attack Speed"

Double Up

Double Up is now on the PBE for testing! Here's MinionsRPeople2 with all the details:
"Team Up for Double Up! 
Double Up is Teamfight Tactics’ new 2v2v2v2 lab, coming to you with the second patch of Gizmos & Gadgets, patch 11.23 (Nov 17th)! All you need to start playing is a partner—and before you ask, I’d love to! Already have a partner? Then you better link them to this article, cause we’re about to cover everything you need to know about Double Up!

  • You can queue up solo or with a preferred partner that you’ll share health with. Once your health pool runs out for the first time, it’s set back to 1. Any loss thereafter eliminates the both of you.
  • With the Assist Armory, you can gift your partner item components, gold, and other boosts at key points in the game.
  • Use the Rune of Allegiance to gift champions and items they may be holding to your partner. Everyone gets one at the start of the game, but you can get another via the Assist Armory.
  • If you beat your opponent’s army before your partner beats theirs, after a short delay your surviving champions will hop onto your partner’s board to help them out!
  • Double Up goes to PBE on Nov 2nd and live on the second patch (11.23) of Gizmos & Gadgets. We’ll be adjusting it periodically based on your feedback!
How to Win: Don’t Lose

Like standard TFT, but different, the last one double standing wins. Even though it’ll be displayed as two separate health totals, you and your partner will share a health pool. That means every time your partner suffers damage, you suffer damage—and vice-versa. Sound risky? Don’t worry, the first time your shared health pool would hit 0, it gets set to 1. After that, any loss by either partner will eliminate you both. You’ll know when this is about to happen thanks to a visual indicator on your Tactician’s health bar, but we’ll also warn ya with text cause the last thing we want is for you to lose the next round. 
How to Not Lose: Assist Armory and Rune of Allegiance 
Now that you know how losing works, let’s talk about how to avoid that with the ‘Best Friends Armory’—I mean... the Assist Armory. In stage 2-5 and stage 6-2, one player from each team will see an Assist Armory. Whoever sees the Assist Armory can gift their partner things like item components and gold. The Assist Armory on stage 6-2 has even cooler loot like completed items, trait emblems, and the Rune of Allegiance (more on this in a sec)! Worried about giving without receiving? Don’t be! Your partner will get a chance to return the favor on stage 2-6 and 6-3.
So, you’ve picked the perfect partner for Double Up—I’m really happy for you both—but does your partner know how to use the Rune of Allegiance then? No? They don’t? Then maybe you don’t have the perfect partner. Anyways, the Rune of Allegiance is given to all players at the start of the game, as well as stage 4-2 and as an option in the second Assist Armory. It’s a consumable that, when used on a champion, sends that champion and all of their items over to your partner’s board (in a loot bubble). If that champion is holding items, the items will become unequipped, allowing your partner to repurpose them as you see fit. Nifty, right?
Winning with Friendship: Team Reinforcements 
Okay, now for my favorite part of Double Up—winning... with friendship! AKA team reinforcements. Let’s say you’re really crushing it one round, but your partner is struggling. If you quickly win your battle that round, your surviving champions will hop over to your partner’s board after a short delay to help them out. Now that’s friendship! True to their original player’s board, board-hopping champs will carry over Augment bonuses, item stats, trait bonuses, and stacks, such as Cho’Gath feast stacks. Reinforcement champions will not benefit from Augments of their new home. And although borrowed champions might swoop in to save the day, upon victory they won’t cause any damage to the enemy player. Your partner’s gotta learn to carry some of the weight for y’all to make it all the way to Double Tier! Oh, that reminds me, Double Up will use the same ranking system as Hyper Roll. You’ll gain or lose points with each win or loss, climbing from Grey tier (0 points), to Green tier (1,400 points), to Blue tier (2,600 points), to Purple tier (3,400 points), and eventually, the coveted Double tier (4,200+ points).
Double Up Tune-Ups 
We’ve been experimenting lots with Double Up to make it as fun and unique of an experience as possible. To that end, we’ll be watching your feedback closely when Double Up hits PBE on (Nov 2nd). After that, Double Up goes live with the second patch of Gizmos & Gadgets, patch 11.23 (Nov 17th). And some time after its release, we’ll be taking it back to the lab for tune-ups based on your feedback! 
With so much excitement around the release of Gizmos & Gadgets, it can be hard to keep all the dates straight, so allow this blurb to help. Gizmos & Gadgets comes to PBE on October 19th, then goes live just after that on November 3rd (patch 11.22). The Gizmos & Gadgets Pass will be available later that day at 11:00 a.m. PST. Double Up will be the last thing hitting live servers on November 17th (patch 11.23), giving us a full patch to learn the ins and outs of the new set."


Other TFT Changes

  • Victorious & Triumphant Nixie added to the PBE! No images yet!
  • New TFT arena added, no images yet - "Zaun City Rooftop"

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

[Preseason changes continue testing on the PBE! Check out this link for more details!]


Doran's Ring
  • [Removed] Siphon passive
  • [Added] Drain: Restore 0.75 Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount to 1.25 Mana every second for 10 seconds. If you can't gain Mana, restore 50% of the value as Health instead. 

Archangel's Staff
  • Recipe changed: [Tear of the Goddess + Kindlegem + Blasting Wand + 950g]
  • AP lowered from 65 to 60
  • [New] +200 Health
  • [Changed] "Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to 0.5% bonus mana."

Seraph's Embrace
  • AP increased from 65 to 80
  • [New] +250 Health
  • [Changed] "Awe: Gain Ability Haste equal to 1.3% bonus mana."

Zeke's Convergence
  • Passive damage lowered from [30 - 70 (based on level) + 1.5% Health + 7.5% Ability Power] to [30 - 70 (based on level)]

Sunfire Aegis
  • Combine cost increased from 600 to 700
    • [Total cost unchanged due to Aegis of the Legion's cost decrease]
  • Armor increased from 30 to 35
  • MR increased from 30 to 35
  • Passive damage increased from [12 - 30 (based on level) + 1% bonus Health] to [20 - 40 (based on level) + 1% bonus Health]
  • [Mythic passive changed] Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5% Tenacity and Slow Resist and 50 Health.

Aegis of the Legion
  • Combine cost lowered from 750 to 650
  • Total cost lowered from 1500 to 1400

Knight's Vow
  • Base health regen lowered from 300% to 150%
  • [Passive changed] "Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect 10% of damage they take to you and heal for 8% of the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions. If they have less than 30% Health the damage reduction is increased to 20%.

Winter's Approach
  • [Passive changed] Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana , doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter. Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).

Void Staff
  • Cost increased from 2700 to 2800
    • Combine cost increased from 600 to 700
  • AP lowered from 70 to 65
  • Magic pen increased from 40% to 45%

Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Total cost increased from 2900 to 3000
  • Combine cost increased from 700 to 800

Hextech Alternator
  • Recipe changed: [Amp Tome + Ruby Crystal + 215g]
  • AP lowered from 40 to 25

Hextech Rocketbelt
  • Recipe changed: [Blasting Wand + Hextech Alternator + Amp Tome + 865g]

Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Combine cost increased from 200 to 300
    • [Total cost unchanged due to Aegis of the Legion's cost decrease]

Gargoyle Stoneplate
  • Total cost lowered from 3300 to 3200
    • [Due to Aegis of the Legion's cost decrease]

Force of Nature
  • MR increased from 60 to 70
  • [Passive changed] "Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast (max 6) for 5 seconds. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant an additional 2 stacks."
  • [New Passive] Dissipate: While at 6 stacks of Steadfast, take 20% reduced magic damage and gain 10% increased Move Speed.
  • One spell can add a new stack of Steadfast every 1 second.

Horizon Focus
  • Recipe changed: [Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex + Ruby Crystal + 850g]
  • AP lowered form 115 to 85
  • [New] +150 Health
  • [New] +15 Ability Haste
  • [Passive changed] Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over 700 range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you by 10% for 6 seconds.

Cosmic Drive
  • Recipe changed: [Fiendish Codex + Aether Wisp + Ruby Crystal + 850g]
  • AP lowered from 80 to 60
  • Health increased from 500 to 250
  • Ability Haste increased from 20 to 30
  • [New] +5% Movespeed
  • [Passive changed] Spelldance: Damaging a champion with 3 separate Attacks or Spells grants 30% Move Speed (decaying to 15%) and 40 Ability Power until exiting champion combat.

Night Harvester
  • Recipe changed: [Blasting Wand + Hextech Alternator + Amp Tome + 865g]

  • AP increased from 80 to 100

  • Recipe changed: [Kindlegem + Lost Chapter + Amp Tome + 265g]
  • Total cost lowered from 3200 to 2800
  • AP lowered from 80 to 70
  • Mythic passive  AP lowered from 15 to 10

Frostfire Gauntlet
  • Passive damage changed from [12 - 30 (based on level) + 1% bonus Health] to [12 + 1% bonus Health]
  • [Passive changed] "Snowbind: Attacks create a frost field for 1.5 seconds and deal (20 - 100 +0.5% max Health for Melee champions / 10-50 +0.25% max Health for ranged champions) bonus magic damage to all enemies in the area (4s cooldown, 6s cooldown for ranged champions). Enemies that move across the field are Slowed by 25% for melee champions and 12.5% for ranged champions (increased by your max Health)."

Turbo Chemtank
  • [Removed] Immolate passive
  • [New Passive] Refuel: Moving and dealing damage fills up the Chemtank. At 100 stacks, your next basic attack deals 40-120 (+1% max Health, + 3% Move Speed) magic damage to all nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions and 175% against jungle monsters).
  • [Mythic passive changed] Grants all other Legendary items  5 Ability Haste and 50 Health.

Duskblade of Drakktharr
  • Total cost lowered from 3200 to 3100
    • Combine cost lowered form 3200 to 3100
  • Passive damage changed from [65 + 25% bonus Attack Damage] to [75 + 30% bonus Attack Damage for melee / 55 + 25% bonus Attack Damage for ranged]

  • Total cost lowered from 3200 to 3100
    • Combine cost lowered from 850 to 750
  • Passive cooldown changed from [8s cooldown, 16s cooldown for ranged champions] to [6s cooldown, 16s cooldown for ranged champions]

Prowler's Claw
  • Total cost lowered from 3200 to 3100
    • Combine cost lowered from 1000 to 900
  • Active damage increased from [65 + 25% bonus Attack Damage] to [75 + 30% bonus Attack Damage]

Abyssal Mask
  • Recipe changed: [Kindlegem  + Spectre's Cowl + 650g]
  • Health increased from 400 to 450


First Strike (Inspiration Keystone)
  • Back on the PBE for more testing! Check out this QGT post for the full rundown!
"Attacks or abilities against an enemy champion within 0.25s of entering champion combat grants 5 gold and First Strike for 3 seconds, causing you to deal 10% extra damage against champions, and granting 100% (70% for ranged champions) of bonus damage dealt as gold. 
Cooldown: 25-15"

Lethal Tempo (Precision Keystone)
  • [New]
"Gain 15% (Melee) or 5% (Ranged) Attack Speed for 6 seconds when you attack an enemy champion. This effect stacks up to 90% (Melee) or 30% (Ranged). 
While this effect fully stacked, your attack speed can exceed 2.5 and you gain 50 (Melee) or 100 (Ranged) Attack Range."

Glacial Augment (Inspiration Keystone)
  • [New]
"Immobilizing an enemy champion will cause 3 glacial rays to emanate from them towards you and other nearby champions, creating frozen zones for 3 (+ 100% of the immobilizing effect's duration) seconds that slow enemies for 35% (+5% per 10% Heal and Shield Power) (+2% per 100 Ability Power) (+2% per 100 bonus Attack Damage) and reduce their damage by 15% against your allies (not including yourself).  
25s cooldown."

Context & Notes

1) None!