The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.23 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash tweaks, tentative balance changes, and more!
Continue reading for more information!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
Splash Tweaks
Officer Vi's splash was tweaked with changes to Officer Caitlyn:
- Here's a look at the new Zaun City Rooftop TFT arena:
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.
Cosmic Drive
- AP increased from 60 to 75
- Passive movespeed lowered from [30% decaying to 15% ]to [20% decaying to 10%]
Horizon Focus
- Combine cost increased from 850 to 1050
Crown of the Shattered Queen
- Mythic passive changed from [1% Move Speed and 50 Health] to [1% Move Speed and 8 Ability Power]
- Recipe changed: [Hextech Alternator + Needlessly Large Rod + 700g]
Context & Notes
1) Riot Phlox noted there wouldn't be a preview today:
"No patch preview today since 11.23 will be just preseason content.Preseason throws the meta so up in the air that doing smaller balance changes to a individual champion or whatever isn't really worth it. We'll be touching outliers and following up on preseason in 11.24 though!"
2) Here's the latest from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads:
in response to PBE comments 11/8/2021
make Heterochromia more pronounced:
We compared the model to base, and Space Groove. Both of these depictions have the iris the same color, with one pupil being replaced with a shape - a pink/yellow X for Base, a star for Space Groove. Since we replaced one eye with a Blueberry this skin, we feel it is in line with her other depictions and have chosen not to take action on this.
Blueberries on the scissors look like blue screws:
We adjusted the contrast, reduced the metallic look of the highlight and reshaped the blueberries on the scissors a bit to address them looking like screws.
SFX- classic VFX are overlapping her new VFX which make them not pop out so well. (base sounds too loud, new VFX too quiet:
Our team spent time investigating this and could not find any base SFX in her kit for this skin either on PBE or in internal builds. If you have video proof, please send it to RiotTinyBun on twitter."
"Hello all! Thank you for the feedback. The team has had a look and were able to make a few changes:Arcane JinxCheers!"
- Croissant shaped auto attacks!
- The Astral Infusion (W) SFX have been adjusted to sound more impactful.
- The Equinox (E) croissant has been reduced in size.
Thanks all for the feedback. Team had a look and made some adjustments to Jinx's facial model. She should no longer appear "cross-eyed" or "fish-eyed". Cheers!"
Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !