Red Post Collection: Patch 11.22 & TFT Notes, QGT: 11/5, RiotX Arcane Progress Days & More

Posted on at 9:55 PM by Aznbeat
Today's red post collection includes the Patch 11.22 & TFT notes, last week's QGT, tons more RiotX Arcane celebrations, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Patch 11.22 Notes

Check out the patch notes:
"Season 2021 is coming to an end, but the party's just getting started. 
Who will win Worlds this weekend? It all comes down to these final moments of MAKE/BREAK 2021. Along with the end of the season, we have Clash rewards, Arcane skins, and Victorious Blitzcrank. Then there’s the usual champion buffs and nerfs along with a readjustment to Goredrinker. And last—but certainly not least—Arcane will be released this weekend, and we have tons of exciting content and events to celebrate. 
RIP our pick 'ems, best of luck on the final climb, and enjoy the show! 
In TFT-land, the new Gizmos & Gadgets set has arrived. Read all about the changes in the TFT patch notes here! 

[Full patch notes here!]


11/4/2021 Vi & Xayah Balances 
Both Vi and Xayah have gotten a little too strong. We're making a couple of urgent balance adjustments for a fairer end-of-season climb. 

  • Q DAMAGE PER BLADE 50/75/100/125/150 (+50% bonus AD) ⇒ 45/65/85/105/125 (+50% bonus AD)
  • Q COOLDOWN 10/8.5/7/5.5/4 seconds ⇒ 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
  • BASE AD PER LEVEL 3.5 ⇒ 3
  • R STUN DURATION 1.4 seconds ⇒ 1.3 seconds

11/3/2021 Yuumi Bugfix 
  • SADCAT Fixed a bug where, if Yuumi uses W - You and Me! to detach from her ally while they are both hidden from view (such as when an enemy Tahm Kench R - Devours them, or while an ally Kayn is channeling R - Umbral Trespass), she becomes invisible and does not appear again until she dies

Quick Gameplay Thoughts 11/5

Here's a dive into Worlds from the Summoner's Rift Team:

"Tomorrow's the day! The final match for Worlds 2021: MAKE/BREAK is going to be a legendary battle between Damwon Kia (LCK) and Edward Gaming (LPL). There have been so many surprises this year: intense tiebreakers, unexpected outcomes, neverending bloodbaths, and wildcard picks. With Finals front and center (and preseason still marinating on PBE), today's post will be a little less Serious Business than usual. 
Here's some data on what we've seen on stage so far and some thoughts from our teams. 
A Quick Look at the Meta 
Overpowered Champions 
One of our balance goals for Worlds is for no champion to get picked/banned in 100% of games. Despite nerfs in 11.16 and 11.18, Lee Sin came closest with 97% presence, but overall, no champ hit the 100% mark this year. 
Champion Diversity 
Another Worlds balance goal is to ensure high overall champion diversity across the roster. We only count champs with 5% pick/ban presence or higher, as opposed to champs who show up once or twice, to ensure pocket picks aren't misrepresented as viable for any team. Let’s take a look at where we are now going into Finals: 
Total champions with 5% presence or more: 62

Top lane: 24

Jungle: 13

Mid: 16

ADC: 10

Support: 13

(For comparison, we've seen 92 champions picked/banned at least once.) 
We're seeing an incredibly diverse top lane meta, but some other lanes are barely hitting our minimum target. Notably, ADC only has 10 different 5% champions. Much of this is due to the dominance of Lucian and Miss Fortune, each at 84%. We were excited to see Lucian shift back into bot lane after 11.17 but weren't able to get enough pro play data to get his pro power in the perfect spot. Miss Fortune had no pro presence leading up to Worlds, but we overshot on the power she needed to reach viability and she became more dominant than intended. 
We've enjoyed seeing how pro players have innovated so far at Worlds. What are your thoughts on the Worlds meta? 
Comments from the team 
This last section is a bunch of quotes from members of the Summoner's Rift and Game Analysis Teams! (Yes, we all live in NA.) 
"Even though we only had one team make it out of groups and got stomped in quarters, I'm pretty proud of NA. This was technically the most difficult year if we consider that LCK and LPL got extra seeds, yet TL and 100T both went 3-3 in groups and C9 got 3 games with a tiebreaker. Anytime there's more competition between regions, it's fun to watch." —Riot Blizz 
"I'm glad we were able to add a couple assassins into the jungle meta with Talon and Qiyana. Even Zed saw a couple games in play-ins, and it was cool to see that completely new picks can rise up for the biggest tournament of the year without being overpowered in solo queue." —RiotMadnessHeroo 
"Loved the trading back and forth of novel support picks in DK v T1. Seeing Maokai and Zilean was a breath of fresh air, and reminded us that Beryl and Keria are on top of their game and always innovating." —Riot Sotere 
"It was awesome to see DFM pop off. Really exciting to see minor regions ascend. The mega tiebreakers were hype, too." —RiotPhlox 
"This has been one of the most exciting Worlds to watch. Really intense games and plenty of comebacks. I think the diversity of champions has been cool to see, especially in jungle and top. Hoping more people pick up Senna as a solid champ into Yuumi (good laning, can get Executioners, and scalability!)" —HydroZenith 
"Games have been high octane, and the storylines have also been really fun to follow. Generally, there have been many playstyles that have seemed viable, with top or jungle tanks being a notable exception." —Riot PhRoXzOn (Editor's note: New and reworked tank items coming this preseason!) 
"Pocket picks are always exciting, but it's not everyday that a mid laner (Cryin) pulls Annie onto the Worlds stage and instills enough fear to get her banned later in the series!" —Riot Petrie 
"There was a lot of skepticism on whether Lucian could be a real bot laner at the highest level. It's an even bigger plus that he brought some enchanters with him, like Lulu and Nami." —Riot Truexy 
That's all for now, folks. Tune in tomorrow at 5 AM PDT for the final showdown between DK vs. EDG at LoL Esports
—The Summoner's Rift Team 
PS: The ranked season is ending and preseason is shipping right before the next scheduled Quick Gameplay Thoughts on Nov 19, so we're gonna skip that post. See you in December!"

RiotX Arcane Progress Days Trailer

"RiotX Arcane continues. Join the Progress Days celebration with rewards, in-game events, and more.

The Council Archives Primer

Here's shio shoujo with a rundown on the interactive event in the client - "Wander through the stacks of the Council Archives and explore the history of Piltover and beyond."
"Wander through the stacks of the Council Archives and explore the history of Piltover and beyond. Discover the stories of an inventor, a criminal with unknown allegiances, an enforcer, and an orphan desperate for attention. 
The Council Archives is an interactive experience available now in the League of Legends client. Once you’ve entered, drag around the screen and click to investigate untold stories from the characters of Arcane. 
Just like Arcane's episode drops, content for the Council Archives will be released periodically. With each new batch of episodes, come back to the Archives to uncover more of the story through records of Jayce, Vi, Caitlyn, and Jinx.
  • The Jayce Collection - November 8 at 8:00AM PT
    • Dive into Jayce's scientific journal to see the machinations of Piltover's next visionary.
  • The Vi Collection - November 15 at 8:00AM PT
    • Learn more about Vi's unruly behavior and penchant for self-defense through the eyes of an uncaring overseer.
  • The Caitlyn Collection - November 22 at 8:00AM PT
    • Piece together the evidence collected by Caitlyn in her latest investigations of the undercity.
  • The Jinx Collection - November 24 at 8:00AM PT
    • Decipher the dangerously whimsical sketches of an unstable and lonely Jinx.
The Council Archives are available globally from November 8 at 8:00AM PT to December 9 at 12:59 PM PT."

Here's a trailer for the first collection:

 In Case you missed it, here's the Worlds 2021 opening show:

"Watch the Worlds 2021 Show Open presented by Mastercard. 

Featuring performances by Imagine Dragons, JID, Denzel Curry, Bea Miller, and PVRIS.

For all things Worlds, visit


Tracks and albums from the makers of League of Legends:"

Teamfight Tactics 11.22 Notes

Check out the patch notes
Welcome to Teamfight Tactics: Gizmos & Gadgets! A world of crazy experiments, magic run amok, and groundbreaking new technology. With machines to assemble, chemicals to concoct, and new strategies to discover, anything is possible. With the new set, we’ve got new champions, traits, Hextech Augments, Hyper Roll changes, and G&G themed rewards. There’s a lot to uncover, so let’s get to it!"

[Full patch notes here!]

Mobile Currency Change: TFT Coins

Here's MinionsRPeople2 with details on the change of currency coming to TFT mobile - "TFT Coins are the new one stop shop currency coming to Mobile in patch 11.23."
"TFT Coins are coming to Mobile with patch 11.23! The new currency is your one stop shop for all Mobile items. To be clear, the effective price of our store items are not changing—you’ll just be using TFT Coins to buy them.
Why are we doing this? 
Currently we have to go through a long process of configuration, testing, and reviews for each individual item we sell. All this store maintenance time can be used doing literally anything else, but most importantly, it can be used working on stuff we really care about—TFT. 
To review, come patch 11.23 all content you purchase on Mobile will be made via purchasing TFT Coins, which can then be exchanged for your favorite Tactician whether that be Dango, Choncc, Gloop, or a Chibi champ! The transition from direct purchase to TFT Coins is a purely practical transition for us all, and will not impact the price of store items."


"The tale begins. The Arcane Merch Collection celebrates the story of the new animated series - bringing together products inspired by the show and the champions found within. 
New collectables, jewelry, apparel, and more.  

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