1/24 PBE Update: Splash Tweaks & Tentative Balance Changes

Posted on at 4:27 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.3 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash tweaks & tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Splash Tweaks

Zeri's splash art was tweaked around her face:

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


  • Absolution (Passive)
    • [Note: There is a change here I believe for minion soul spawn (10% down to 5%?) but I'm not sure the full details! We'll see more when the changelists come out soon!]
  • Piercing Darkness (Q)
    • Slow lowered from 20% to 10%
    • Slow AP increased from 0.06% to 0.08%
    • Slow AD increased from 0.1% to 0.12%


Sterak's Gage
  • [Removed] No longer gives flat AD
  • [Removed] Bloodlust passive
  • [New Passive] The Claws That Catch: Gain 40% Base Damage as bonus Attack Damage.
  • Lifeline passive shield changed from [100 Shield (increased by (8% max Health | 4.8% max Health for Ranged champions) per stack of Bloodlust] to [75% Bonus Health Shield]

Black Cleaver
  • AD increased from 40 to 45
  • Health lowered from 450 to 350
  • Ability Haste increased from 25 to 30

Ravenous Hydra
  • AD increased from 65 to 70

Trinity Force
  • Health increased from 200 to 300

Blade of the Ruined King
  • Total cost increased from 3200 to 3300
  • Combine cost increased from 425 to 525

  • AD increased from 20 to 25

Maw of Malmortius
  • Total cost increased from 2800 to 2900
    • Combine cost increased from 400 to 500
  • AD increased from 50 to 55
  • Ability Haste increased from 15 to 20

  • AD increased from 45 to 50
  • Health lowered from 450 to 300
  • Ability Haste increased from 20 to 25

Divine Sunderer
  • AD increased from 35 to 40
  • Health lowered from 400 to 300
  • Spellblade damage changed from [12% (9% for Ranged owners) target max Health physical damage] to [12% (9% for Ranged owners) target current Health physical damage]

Death's Dance
  • Ignore Pain passive damage spread amount lowered from [35% melee/15% ranged] to [30% melee/10% ranged]
  • Defy passive heal changed from [15% max health] to [175% Bonus AD Health]

Context & Notes

1) Riot Phlox provided a 12.3 balance preview:
"Hey all! 
Pretty interesting patch coming your way. We're adjusting the fighter system to be less health skewed (more info tomorrow). We've also got some changes for pro champs and Ahri among others! 
If you missed it, Chem Terrain was disabled in a hotfix today.  
Whatcha think?"
Squad5 added:
"Some context for the Nami adjustment - tried out some medium scope changes to see if I could get some good feeling changes to her passive. 
Eotd she didn't have enough power budget for the changes (she's already strong). But we liked it enough to do a small change to the passive. 
Tl;dr is Nami passive now applies a decaying haste to allies (starting at 90 instead of 45 and decaying to 0 over the duration). We think this is power up so pairing it with a small damage nerf to E's bonus on hit damage. 
To clarify by haste I mean Movement Speed buff - she doesn't grant the CDR stat Haste. 
Words are hard..."
2) As noted by Riot Phlox, the Chemtech Drake was disabled on live servers. Check out this announcement for more info - Disabling the Chemtech Drake:
"When we introduced the Chemtech Drake, Soul, and Terrain in preseason, we shared our intent for it to have a higher impact on games than the original four elemental drakes. Over the past few months, we've heard your feedback across social media and surveys that, even with this goal in mind, the Chemtech addition has just been too frustrating to play with—especially if you're on the losing team. 
Effective today, we're disabling the Chemtech Drake, Soul, and Terrain. 
While the Chemtech Drake and its corresponding systems are disabled, we'll be iterating on design changes to solve the issues with the current versions, while maintaining the spirit of what we were originally trying to achieve. Our primary focus will be on the terrain. This may take time to do right, meaning there's a chance we won't bring the Chemtech Drake back for a while. 
Our goal, as always, is to make Summoner's Rift the best it can be, and it was clear that we missed the mark this time. Thanks for sharing all your feedback and for the patience you afforded us while we gave Chemtech Drake its shot in the wild."
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !