The PBE has been updated! As we start the 12.5 PBE cycle, today's patch
includes new Bee skins for Heimerdinger, Nunu &
Willump, Orianna & Ziggs, new chromas, icon, emotes,
and more!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may
not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the
cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
Champion Skins
Four skins are now on the PBE for testing!
1350 RP
"Now isn't he just the buzziest little worker bee?"
Here's Riot Eneopa with a
bugs & feedback thread
for Heimerstinger:
"Hello All!
"Indeed, a wise choice."
Heimerstinger is heading onto the Rift with:
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall Animation!
Heimerstinger is set to be 1350 RP.
Heimerstinger is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Note: We're aware that there's a typo in Heimer's name in the client. It's currently Heimserstinger and is meant to be Heimerstinger.
- Riot Eneopa"
Nunu & Beelump
1350 RP
"They're like two bees in a pod. Err... in a hive?"
Here's Riot Eneopa with a
bugs & feedback thread
for Nunu & Beelump:
"Hello All!
"Every adventure is better with a friend!"
Nunu and Beelump is heading onto the Rift with:
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall Animation!
Nunu and Beelump is set to be 1350 RP.
Nunu and Beelump is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
-Riot Eneopa"
1350 RP
"Careful not to get honey caught in those gears!"
"Hello All!
"We will kill your enemies. That will be fun."
Orbeeanna is heading onto the Rift with:
Orbeeanna is set to be 1350 RP.
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall Animation!
Orbeeanna is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
- Riot Eneopa"
1350 RP
"According to all known laws of apiculture, bees shouldn't be given
explosives. Hey! Put that bouncing bomb down, bee!"
Here's Riot Eneopa with a
bugs & feedback thread
for BZZZiggs:
"Hello All!
"This'll be a blast!"
BZZZiggs is heading onto the Rift with:
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall Animation!
BZZZiggs is set to be 1350 RP.
BZZZiggs is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
- Riot Eneopa"
Each skin this cycle also has a set of chromas testing on the PBE:
Nunu & Beelump
[8 Chromas]
[8 Chromas]
Summoner Icon
A new summoner icon is now on the PBE:
TFT Rising Legends Finals - Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets
New emotes are now on the PBE:
Eventful Party, Nice Draw
Prestige Juicy, What?
TFT Corner
TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights is heading to live with 12.4! Here's Riot Mort with
the final changelist before the patch hits:
"To everyone who played PBE games and gave us feedback and data, thank you so much. It really helps us a ton!
Here is the final batch of changes coming to Neon Nights before it goes live tomorrow. For non-PBE players, full patch notes and rundown a little later today!
Final Deploy
CHAMPS1-Cost-Brand---Spell Damage: 100/150/200 >>> 120/160/210---VIP Bonus Reduced Damage: 25% >>> 30%2-Cost-Ashe---Attack Speed: 0.75 >>> 0.7-Rek’Sai---Resist Steal Percent: 30/40/60% >>> 30/35/40%---Spell Heal: 100/200/500 >>> 150/250/4003-Cost-Cho’gath---Spell Damage: 900/975/1050 >>> 850/950/1050-Gnar---Spell AD Percent: 175% >>> 185%-Morgana---Spell Damage per second: 150/225/325 >>> 80/125/175---Spell Shield Amount: 400/550/750 >>> 425/550/750-Tryndamere---Spell Base Damage: 80/120/240 >>> 60/90/150---Bonus Damage from Spell: 25% >>> 20%4-Cost-Ahri---Spell Damage: 120/180/450 >>> 125/190/450-Alistar---HP: 1300 >>> 1400---Armor & MR: 70 >>> 80-Khazix---Spell AD%: 180/185/200% >>> 195/200/225%-Irelia---Spell Base Damage: 100/150/500 >>> 90/135/600-Orianna---Spell Damage: 325/500/1200 >>> 300/450/1200---Shield Amount: 100/150/400 >>> 120/170/600-Renata---Spell Damage per Second: 40/70/150 >>> 55/85/255-Seraphine---Spell Damage: 275/450/1200 >>> 250/400/1200---AS Bonus: 30/50/100% >>> 30/45/100%-Sivir---Spell AS: 50/75/200% >> 60/80/250%5-Cost-Tahm Kench---Spell Damage: 1000/1500/30000 >>> 900/1350/30000-Zeri---Auto AD Ratio: 16% >>> 18%---Spell On Hit Damage: 11/22/55 >>> 11/22/44
TRAITS-Clockwork---Base Attack Speed: 10/35/70% >>> 10/40/80%-Debonair---Health: 150/450/800 >>> 200/450/800---AP: 15/45/80 >>> 20/45/80-Enforcer---Stun Duration: 5 sec >>> 4 sec-Hextech---Shield: 150/200/450/700 >>> 140/180/400/600-Innovator---Mechanical Bear Base Health: 850 >>> 775---Mechanical Dragon Base Health: 1250 >>> 1125
AUGMENTS-Chemical Overload---HP Percent Explosion: 25/40% >>> 20/30%-Concussive Blows---Cooldown: 6 >>> 7 seconds-Double Trouble---Bonus Stats: 40/55/70 >>> 40/50/65-The Golden Egg---Reduced the gold in most loot options by 10g-High Five---Temporarily Disabled-Share the Spotlight---Bonus Increase: 150% >>> 125%-Thieving Rascals---Item Chance: 33% >>> 40%-Treasure Trove III---No longer offered as the 3rd Augment-Weakspot---You can no longer be offered other levels of Weakspot after choosing any tier of Weakspot-Verdant Veil---Duration: 12 >>> 15 seconds-Very VIP---HP Share: 25% >>> 30%"
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially
experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative
to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.
Context & Notes
1) For context on the Prestige Juicy icon can be found in this tweet chain:
A little history about Prestige Juicy. The base emote was one of the first emotes we ever dropped. At the beginning of LoLEsports Drops we had some technical limitations resulting in this emote being dropped multiple times.
— TyraMaySue (@Tyramaysue) February 16, 2022