2/8 PBE Update: Continued TFT Set 6.5 Testing & Tentative Balance Changes

[Note: Today's PBE maintenance was extended but has now concluded!]

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.4 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued TFT set 6.5 testing as well as a ton of tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

TFT Corner

TFT set 6.5 continues testing this cycle! Here's Riot Mort with today's changelist and a quick note:
"Here's today's PBE notes. 
Yesterday's didn't go through due to PBE maintenance, so today will be a big one with yesterday's and today's. 
Also this is basically it (minus bug fixes) for now. Going to let this sit a week, then one last patch right before launch! Enjoy!"
"Feb 7th Deploy
-All tooltips with AD% scaling have been changed to the format of:
---Total physical damage (% of AD [+ any other scalings])
---Old formating: % of AD [+ any other scalings] physical damage (Total: Total)
-Some tooltips have been updated to reflect their detailed hex ranges
---Jarvan IV, Syndra, Gnar, Corki, Ahri, Renata, Jayce

2 Cost
---Spell Damage: 250/350/650 >>> 225/325/575
3 Cost
---Spell Cast Time: 0.22 >>> 0.25 seconds per shot
---Spell now properly works with Sharpshooter
--Bonus damage after spin: 35% >>> 25%
---Armor & MR: 40 >>> 50
4 Cost
---Fixed a bug where Draven was ignoring 50% of the target’s Armor baseline (was stacking with the VIP Bonus)
---VIP Armor Pen %: 30% >>> 50% (revert post-bugfix)
5 Cost
---Mastermind’s effect can no longer stack on the same target
-Tahm Kench
---Spell Damage: 900/1350/30000 >>> 1000/1500/30000
---Zeri now procs on-hits one time per enemy 
---Zeri’s magic damage now works with Gunblade and Hextech. Zeri’s magic damage no longer triggers fireballs from Dragon’s Claw

-Innovator 7
---Dragon Fear Duration: 3 >>> 2.5 seconds
---Tooltip now specifies that it works with Ability casts as well

-Double Trouble
---Bonus Stats: 30/40/50 >>> 35/45/60
-Lifelong Learning
---Survival Bonus AP: 3 >>> 2 (total AP: 5 >>> 4)
-Treasure Trove II
---Grants 2 blue orbs and 1 gray orb >>> Grants 1 blue orb and 2 gray orbs

-True Justice now only affects Enforcers instead of all units
-Radiant Gunblade, Radiant Morello, and Radiant Chalice’s spellvamp no longer works with physical Abilities
-Fixed a bug where Irelia’s spell would time out if she didn’t cast fast enough
-Fixed a bug where Irelia wouldn’t recast immediately if her second target was out of range"
-Augment Patterns
---Removed Gold Silver Silver
---Added Silver Prismatic Prismatic
---Added Gold Prismatic Gold
---Total chance of a Prismatic Game: 31% >>> 33%

1 Cost
-Jarvan IV
---AS: 0.6 >>> 0.65
---Spell Bonus AS: 40/50/60% >>> 40/50/70%
---VIP Bonus Damage Reduction: 20% >>> 25%
---Spell Stun Duration: 2/3/4 sec >>> 2/2.5/3.5 sec
2 Cost
---Number of Arrows: 5/7/9 >>> 6/7/8
---AS Reduction: 25% >>> 15%
---Spell Cast Time: 0.75 >>> 0.5 seconds
---Spell Volley range now matches her Attack Range
---BUG FIX: Properly fires in her target’s direction when she starts combat with full Mana
---AD: 60 >>> 65
---Spell Damage: 200/275/375 >>> 200/260/333
---Spell Damage: 225/325/575 >>> 225/325/500
---Spell Stun Duration: 2/2.5/4 >>> 2/2.5/3 seconds
---Spell Damage: 450/625/950 >>> 450/650/950
---BUGFIX: VIP bonus now does the proper damage each tick
3 Cost
---AD: 65 >>> 70
---Transform HP: 400/700/1250 >>> 500/750/1200
---Spell Base Damage: 100/150/250 >>> 150/200/300
---Spell Base Damage: 110/150/200 >>> 120/160/225
---VIP Health Regen Bonus: 0.5% >>> 0.8%
---HP: 600 >>> 650
---Spell Number of Shots: 2/3/4 >>> 2/2/3
---Spell Damage: 190/210/260 >>> 175/275/300
---Spell Damage: 650/900/1100 >>> 625/875/1050
---Spell Shield: 400/600/900 >>> 400/550/750
---Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 >>> 1.5/2/2.5 sec
---Mana Refund: 40 >>> 30
---AD%: 150% >>> 160%
---Healing: 30% >>> 50%
---Damage: 100/150/200 >>> 80/125/200
---BUG FIX: Properly calculates spell base damage dealt for healing
---Spell Damage: 250/325/600 >>> 300/400/600
---Spell Damage Reduction: 65% >>> 75%
4 Cost
---Attack Range: 3 >>> 4
---Spell Damage: 125/190/450 >>> 120/180/450
---Spell Range: 4 Hexes >>> 5 Hexes
---HP: 1200 >>> 1300
---Armor & MR: 60 >>> 70
---Mana: 80/160 >>> 85/170
---Spell Stun Duration: 2.5/3/6 >>> 2/2.5/8 seconds
---Spell Damage: 200/300/1200 >>> 200/350/1200
---Spell Stun Duration: 2/3/6 >>> 1.75/2.25/8 seconds
---AD: 85 >>> 80
---AD%: 140/150/400% >>> 150/160/400%
---Base Damage: 125/200/700 >>> 150/200/500
---AD: 85 >>> 90
---Armor & MR: 30 >>> 35
---Spell AD Percent: 175/175/200 >>> 180/185/200%
---Spell Base Damage: 130/160/400 >>> 175/225/500
-Renata Glasc
---Health: 700 >>> 800
---Mana: 30/75 >>> 0/60
---Spell Damage: 70/100/250 >>> 40/70/150
---Spell Range: 5 >>> 6
---Damage from her poison is now removed from enemies when she dies (Attack Speed slow still remains for the full duration)
---Mana: 0/70 >>> 0/60
---Bounce Range: 4 >>> 5
---Spell Bonus Attack Speed: 50/65/150% >>> 50/75/200%
---Bounce Percent AD: 40% >>> 33%
---NEW: Spell can bounce to targets it previously hit if there are no new targets to bounce to
---HP: 1000 >>> 900
5 Cost
---Mastermind Mana: 50 >>> 40
---AD: 70 >>> 60
---Armor & MR: 35 >>> 40
---Spell Attack Speed: 100/150/666 >>> 80/175/666%
---Explosion Damage: 300/450/5000 >>> 250/500/5000
---Silco is slightly shorter.
---Passive On Hit Damage: 10/20/50 >>> 11/22/55
---Passive AD Percent: 15% >>> 16% 
---Attack Speed: 30/60/90/150 >>> 25/55/90/150%
---Health Regen: 4/8/12/18% >>> 4/7/10/18%
---Damage: 10/40/80/140 >>> 20/50/100/170
---Shield Value: 150/200/400/700 >>> 150/200/450/700
---Dragon Fear Duration: 2.5 sec >>> 2 sec
---Critical Strike Bonus Damage: 30% >>> 10%  
-Archangel’s Embrace
---Silver and Prismatic versions have been removed. There is now only 1 Archangel’s Embrace, remaining at 25% Ability Power per cast at Gold tier
-Ardent Censer (Enchanter)
---Attack Speed: 40% >>> 45%
---Cooldown: 4 >>> 3 seconds
---Attack Speed: 25/35/50 >>> 20/30/45%
-Double Trouble
---Bonus Stats: 35/45/60 >>> 40/55/70
---Damage: 100/150/200 >>> 90/135/180
-Four Score
---Can now only appear as the 2nd augment
-Golden Gifts I & II
---Can now only appear as the 2nd augment
-Irresistible Charm (Debonair)
---Damage Reduction: 25% >>> 20%
-Jeweled Lotus
---Critical Strike Chance: 10% >>> 25%
-Knife’s Edge
---AD: 25/35/50 >>> 30/40/55
-Luden’s Echo
---Damage: 150/225/300 >>> 125/200/275
---Mana Regen: 3/5/7 >>> 5/7/10
---Armor & MR: 30/45/60 >>> 25/35/50
-Second Wind
---Heal Percent: 40/60/80 >>> 50/75/100%
-Three’s Company
---Tier 1 >>> Tier 2
---Grants 3 3-cost units >>> Grants 4 3-cost units
-Thieving Rascals (Yordle)
---Can no longer grant Spatulas
---Item Chance: 35% >>> 33%
-Tiny Titans
---Tier: Prismatic >>> Gold
-Tri Force
---BUGFIX: Tri Force’s starting Mana no longer drops to fails to grant sometimes
---Tri Force’s starting Mana will now be granted at the start of combat
---Attack Speed: 33/43/53% >>> 23/33/43% 
-Verdant Veil
---Tier: Gold >>> Prismatic
---Duration: 10 >>> 12 seconds

-Senna properly calculates her spell base damage dealt for healing
-Double trouble works in ghost armies
-Mastermind VFX now plays for Silcos placed into combat via the W key
-Ashe properly fires in her target’s direction when she starts combat with full Mana
-Talon’s VIP bonus now does the proper damage each tick
-Bodyguard Crown can no longer appear without 2 Bodyguards active"

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


[Changelist - Doesn't match!]
  • Attack speed ratio lowered from .651 to .625
  • Attack speed per level increased from 2.5 to 2.6
  • World Ender (R) 
    • bonus healing increased from 30/45/60% to 40/55/70%

  • Tantrum (E) Damage reduction increased from 2/4/6/8/10 to 5/7/9/11/13

[Changelist - Doesn't match!]
  • Frost Shot (Passive) crit slow increased from 40-60%  to 50-70%

  • HP5 lowered from 8.5 to 7.5

  • Attack speed increased from .571 to .675
  • Attack speed ratio increased from .571 to .675
  • Harsh Lesson (W) max health damage increased from [2% per 100 AD] to [4% per 100 AD]

  • Base armor increased from 21 to 24

  • Piercing Light (Q) mana cost lowered from 50/60/70/80/90 to 48/56/64/72/80

  • Tidecaller's Blessing (E) magic damage increased from 20/35/50/65/80 to 25/40/55/70/85

  • Blooming Burst (Q) additional pop damage increased from 40/60/80/100/120 to 40/65/90/115/140
  • Shapesplitter (W) cooldown lowered from 20/19/18/17/16 to 16/15/14/13/12

  • Royal Privilege (Passive) bonus AD ratio lowered from 55% to 40%

  • Base armor increased from 31 to 36

  • HP Per level increased from 93 to 100

  • Base armor lowered from 23 to 21
  • Armor per level increased from 3.75 to 4
  • Event Horizon (E) cooldown increased from 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 to 20/18/16/14/12

  • Bladecaller (E) crit damage multiplier increased from [.5% per 1% crit chance] to [.75% per 1% crit chance] 

  • Burst Fire (Q) 
    • Uncharged right click damage lowered from [15-40 (+4% AP)] to [10-25 (+3% AP)]
    • Uncharged tight click low health multiplier increased from 4x to 6x
    • Right click slow duration lowered from 1.5s to 1s
    • Right click slow amount changed from [20-40%] to [15-50%]
    • Base damage lowered from [10-30] to [9-25]
    • Q base damage can now crit
    • Excess Attack speed to AD conversion increased from 50% to 60%
      • 70% efficiency to 84% efficiency
  • Ultrashock Laser (W) Cooldown changed from 10 to [13/12/11/10/9]
  • Spark Surge (E) 
    • Cooldown changed from [23/21.5/20/18.5/17] to[23/22/21/20/19]
    • Cooldown reduction per champion hit with attack or ability lowered from 1.5s to 1s
  • Lightning Crash (R) Attack speed changed from 30-40% to 30%

Context & Notes

1) Riot Phlox provided a changelist for 12.4 balance:
"Hello hello!

12.4 with content is here, some spicy changes for sure.

To note, these are some quicker changes to pull down the support item top meta. I don't expect these to be the last of the changes in the space, but any larger ones need more time to validate."
He added:
"We adjusted Neeko's hitbox to not be tied for largest in the game, should be similar to most other mages!"
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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