3/30 PBE Update: Leona, Orianna & Shaco VFX Updates, Skin Bios, and more!

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.7 PBE cycle, today's patch includes VFX updates for Leona, Orianna, and Shaco, bios for the new skins, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

VFX Updates

VFX updates for Leona, Orianna, and Shaco have all hit the PBE for testing this cycle!


Here's Riot Sirhaian with a look at Leona VFX Update from /r/LeaguePBE:


"Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Leona's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update is a smaller one, aimed at simply cleaning up some of Base Leona's older VFXs, while bringing them a bit closer to how they looked in the cinematic "The Call".

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.

Here's a video preview of the changes for her new VFXs. Skins that didn't get any significant changes are skipped. More details below!

All affected skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeJdbHCGCck
Thumbnail for those interested: https://imgur.com/JPshH6d

More details:

Small VFX Cleanup for her Base and her older skins. Her more modern skins did not get touched as they're fine.

Idles: Leona's sword now has some small flames, as well as inside the ring at the top of her shield.

P: Small cleanup
Q: New ground effect on Stun
W: While the buff is up, added some rays of light coming from Leona and the shield shines brighter. New explosion around Leona on release.
E: New missile and root effects.
R: New cast, warning AOE and impact.

Some of her kit has not been changed, as it still fits her fantasy and still looks pretty good (like the solar eclipse around her when she uses W).

Affected Skins: 
Base: Updated and cleaned up Base.
Valkyrie Leona: Getting the new Base VFXs.
Defender Leona: Getting the new Base VFXs.
Iron Solari Leona: Getting the new Base VFXs, and some more flames to match her original VFXs.
Pool Party Leona: Getting the new Base VFXs, a new R decal, and some bubbles and sunflowers across her kit.
PROJECT Leona: Small tweaks.
Barbecue Leona: Getting the new Base VFXs, and her grill glows bright hot when her W is active.
Solar Eclipse Leona: No changes
Lunar Eclipse Leona: No changes
Mecha Kingdoms Leona: No changes
Battle Academia Leona: No changes
Prestige Battle Academia Leona: No changes
DWG Leona: No changes
Debonair Leona: No changes

We're looking for feedback on her changes, which should be up on the PBE now. Please try her out there —especially if you're a main— and leave us your feedback!"

Additional comparisons:


Here's Riot Zhanos with a look at Orianna VFX Update from /r/LeaguePBE:
"Hello everyone!

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Ziggs, Vayne, Kog'Maw, etc.), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline.

It's now time for time Orianna's , targeted for the 12.7 patch! The update was mainly focused on her W and R, but she received a complete update: Better visual clarity, cleaner hitboxes and a quality push to match our current standards.
Thumbnail: https://imgur.com/Q4AjAHu
Skins changes:
  • Base: Complete overhaul
  • Gothic Orianna: Same as base
  • Sewn Chaos Orianna: Same as base
  • Bladecraft Orianna: Recolored from new base
  • TPA Orianna: Same as base
  • Heartseeker Orianna: Complete overhaul
  • Victorious Orianna: Matching new base FX
  • Dark Star Orianna: Complete overhaul
  • Pool Party Orianna: Matching new base FX
  • Orbeeanna: Matching new base FX
We're looking for feedback on this update, which should be up on the PBE today. Please try her out there and leave us your feedback!"

Additional comparisons:


Here's Riot Sirhaian with a look at Shaco VFX Update from /r/LeaguePBE:
"Hello everyone! :D

Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Vel'Koz, Zilean, Syndra, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFXs to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. This time, it's Shaco's turn, for 12.7's PBE Patch!

This VFX Update was mainly focused on giving Shaco's spells a more unique and modern identity, while also making them a bit easier to see.

Just like all the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.

Here's a video preview of the changes for his new VFXs.

All affected skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz3Pxlv9lio
Thumbnail for those interested: https://imgur.com/WmStqk3

More details:

P: All hits now have different effects based on whether they're front- or back-stabs. Also different crit effects.
Q: Completely new "poof". Going for "illusion" magic. Tried to keep some of the iconic orange smoke in the composition. New hit effects.
W: New box placement effect, cleaned up range indicator, and added a subtle burst around the box once they're triggered, to show the range of the fear (it's bigger than the box trigger range). Also new missiles and hit effects.
E: New missile, hit and slow effects.
R: New cast effect, poof, timer and explosion

Some more details:

BA and Q now have different VFXs based on whether or not they're a front attack, backstab or crit.
Added some extra subtle particles to the Q invisibility
Added execute VFX for E (under 30%)
Added a cast effect for R
Affected Skins:

Base: Complete Overhaul
Mad Hatter Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs
Royal Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs
Nutcracko: Gets the new Base VFXs, with a winter-themed recolor and some snow flakes.
Workshop Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs, with an electric-themed recolor and some sparking effects.
Asylum Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs
Masked Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs, with a red and purple recolor
Wild Card Shaco: Gets the new Base VFXs
Dark Star Shaco: Mirrored new Base VFXs, new hit effects and some minor cleanup.
Arcanist Shaco: Mirrored new Base VFXs, new hit effects and some mior cleanup.
Crime City Nightmare Shaco: Minor tweaks

We're looking for feedback on his changes, which should be up on the PBE now. Please try him out there —especially if you're a main— and leave us your feedback!"
Additional comparisons: 


  • Skins bios are now on the PBE:
    • Arcana Ryze: A secret-keeper and didact, whose power dwells in his mind and hands. Tasked with quietly solving the problems of the worlds with little fanfare or recognition, he prepares to fix whatever chaos the fated lovers cause before retreating back to obscurity-- serving as a role model to the talented but forgotten.
    • Arcana Ahri: A trickster and magician whose power is drawn from the grinning moon, Ahri plies her trade rearranging patterns and allowing the Lower World insight into the Higher. Having already set the fated pair Xayah and Rakan careening towards each other, she awaits the resulting chaos with a cynical bemusement.
    • Arcana Hecarim: Enforcer of the Higher World, his ever-forward motion crushes those before him while carving new fates for those left in his wake. He seeks to stop Rakan of the Lower World and prevent the calamitous disaster that will result from a fated love blooming betwixt the stars.
    • Arcana Rakan: One half of a perpetually incomplete whole, Rakan's fated love was not in the Lower World, but among the Higher Arcana far above. As the two rush to meet betwixt the lands of their birth, fate bubbles and boils over-- a roiling sea from which a new order may emerge.
    • Arcana Xayah: One half of a perpetually incomplete whole, Xayah has found her love not in the world of the Higher Arcana, but the Lower. As she strains to meet the fated Rakan and pull him upwards towards herself, their tension frays and forms discordant knots-- setting the stage for something new.

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


  • HP5 lowered from 9 to 7.5
  • Comet Spear (Q) 
    • Tap Q length increased from 550 to 600
    • Tap Q width lowered from 150 to 120
  • Aegis Assault (E)
    • No longer slows Pantheon when moving backward
  • Grand Starfall (R)
    • Now falls .25s faster

Context & Notes

1) While they are not yet on the PBE, the League of Legends Twitter showed off a look at the Arcana Splash arts:

2) Riot TheTruexy noted some Pantheon changes now testing on the PBE:

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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