4/13 PBE Update: Splash Art, Loot assets, & More

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.8 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash art, skin bios, Loot assets and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Splash Art

While we've already seen it on social media, the splash art for Solar Eclipse Sejuani is now on the PBE:


  • New loot assets on the PBE:
    • Eclipse 2022 Grab Bag
      • Contains 1 Skin Shard worth 1350 RP or below AND 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and 2 additional Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more.
    • Eclipse 2022 Capsule
      • Open to reveal three random skin shards with a chance to obtain an Eclipse 2022 Grab Bag. Bonus chance at Mythic Essence and Mythic Skin Permanents.
    • Eclipse 2022 Epic Skin
      • Contains either Sun-Eater Kayle, Solar Eclipse Sejuani, Lunar Eclipse Aatrox, or Lunar Eclipse Senna, granting unowned skins first.
  • Kayle skin named changed from Solar Eclipse Kayle to "Sun-Eater Kayle"
  • Skin bios added:
    • Sun-Eater Kayle: "The hated sun-eater, Kayle wished to be one with the divine she loved, devouring the primordial sun and steeping the land in an eternal eclipse. Driven mad with light and unable to contain her power, she passed fragments down to an army of witch-knights, who slew the other gods in an act of unforgivable blasphemy."
    • Lunar Eclipse Aatrox: "One of the few who took up the mantle of the Eclipse Knights in the days of old, Aatrox hopelessly pined for Kayle's affections... but she could only ever love the blazing sun. When she devoured it, the entity's lunar corona consumed him. He exists now as Kayle's monstrous, once-noble shadow, ever at her side."
  • Sun-Eater Kayle chroma assets updated:

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


Context & Notes

1) Make sure to leave your feedback over on r/LeaguePBE for the new content this cycle:
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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