Red Post Collection: Riot Summer Break, LoL & TFT B-Patches, & More

Posted on at 5:45 PM by Aznbeat
Today's red post collection includes the announcement of the third annual Riot Summer Break, a look at both LoL & TFT b-patch notes, Star Guardians at Anime Expo, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

We’re Taking a Break, BRB

"Riot’s taking the week of July 4th off to rest, recharge, and stretch our wrists. This will be our third year taking a summer break so we’re getting the drill down now. Patch timelines may shift to accommodate the change, and, if so, individual game teams will send out the specifics. In the meantime, some teams like our live operations, anticheat, and security teams will be staggering their breaks to make sure everything keeps running smoothly throughout the break. Knowing Rioters, you’ll probably see more of us spending this week on the Rift, figuring out the angles on Pearl, and searching for the perfect Dragon to round out our comps."

 Due to the break, this patch will be 3 weeks long! Here's the LoLDev twitter with more:

LoL & TFT B-Patch Notes

With Riot's summer break about to begin, here's a look at b-patch notes for both LoL & TFT!


6/30/2022 Mid-Patch 12.12 Balances 
We're doing a handful of balance adjustments in observance of the longer-than-usual patch
  • AD GROWTH 2 ⇒ 1.7
  • HEALTH GROWTH 105 ⇒ 99
  • E - LIFE STEAL 20/21.5/23/24.5/26% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
  • E - COOLDOWN 22/20/18/16/14 ⇒ 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds
  • R - BONUS HEALTH 100/150/200 (+165% bonus AD) (+90% AP) ⇒ 100/150/200 (+120% bonus AD) (+90% AP)
  • AD GROWTH 3.4 ⇒ 3.8
  • PASSIVE - BONUS PHYSICAL DAMAGE 50/75/100% ⇒ 60/85/110% total AD (levels 1/7/13)
  • W - HEADSHOT DAMAGE INCREASE 60/105/150/195/240 (+40/55/70/85/100% bonus AD) ⇒ 40/85/130/175/220 (+40/50/60/70/80% bonus AD)
  • PASSIVE - AP RATIO 55/66/77/88% ⇒ 65/75/85/95% (levels 1/6/11/16)
  • Q - MAGIC DAMAGE 75/105/135/165/195 (+30% AP) ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200 (+35% AP)
  • R - PHYSICAL DAMAGE PER DAGGER 16% (+16% per 70% bonus attack speed) bonus AD ⇒ 18% (+18% per 60% bonus attack speed) bonus AD
  • R - ON-HIT EFFECTIVENESS 28/33/38% ⇒ 30/35/40%
  • PASSIVE - SUNLIGHT MAGIC DAMAGE 25-144 ⇒ 32-168 (levels 1-18)
  • BASE HEALTH 560 ⇒ 530
  • Q - BASE DAMAGE 40/70/100/130/160 ⇒ 30/65/100/135/170
  • W - ROOT DURATION 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 ⇒ 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • PASSIVE - AP RATIO PER NOTE 6/7/8/9% (levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 7% at all levels
  • E - CC DURATION 1.5 ⇒ 1.25 seconds
  • PASSIVE - BONUS AD RATIO 15% ⇒ 25%
  • Q - BONUS AD RATIO 40% ⇒ 50%
  • W - COOLDOWN 16 ⇒ 15 seconds
  • W - BOX DURATION 40 (+5% AP) seconds ⇒ 49 (+10% AP) seconds
Tahm Kench
  • HEALTH GROWTH 109 ⇒ 103
  • PASSIVE - BONUS MAGIC DAMAGE ON-HIT 8-60 (levels 1-18) (+4% bonus health) ⇒ 8-60 (levels 1-18) (+3% bonus health)
  • R - COOLDOWN 120/105/90 ⇒ 130/110/90 seconds



June 28th, Mid-Patch Update 
Good to see you back so soon! 
The current meta is “top-heavy” in that a few compositions vastly outperform the rest. Instead of waiting for the next patch on July 13th (pushed back to allow for Riot’s Summer Break), we’re bringing these top performers in line now, while bolstering our most underpowered units and traits. This is a larger than usual mid-patch update and it will have the impact of a full patch in itself. 
Astral Soul is one of our weakest Augments, and just doesn’t make sense. Adding +1 to the Astral trait provides no benefit for dropping an Astral unit, when your goal is to three star ALL your units. 
Dragonmancer Heart provides far too much value for a Silver Augment, allowing access to Dragonmancer 6 far too early, while also activating additional traits like Jade or Ragewing, leading to very strong mid games. 
  • Astral Soul has been removed
  • Dragonmancer Heart has been removed
Currently, units slowly start to move as Assassins jump, allowing those Assasins to hop right onto the carry that you clumped to protect. While this doesn’t happen every time, we want to turn that to a never-y time. 
Astral is just insanely weak, even in the early game where it should be strong. Starring up units should be fun—but that fun is cut short with the current power of those units (see next section) and when you don’t hit. 
Dragonmancer 6 is the most dominant midgame comp by a wide margin, and it can be played with multiple carry options: Swain, Lee Sin, and Volibear. Hitting Dragonmancer 6 early can make for an unkillable carry that deals a ton of damage—and in the midgame, when you’re too focused on building your own composition to think about building answers to your opponents, it doesn’t feel great. However, by increasing the scaling of the Dragonmancer Blessing, your blessed Hero shouldn’t feel significantly worse later in the game. 
  • Assassins now jump even earlier before other units move
  • Astral guaranteed Astral Units in Astral Shop: 2 ⇒ 3
  • Cannoneer Attack Damage Splash Damage: 150/200/250/300 ⇒ 150/210/280/350%
  • Dragonmancer Hero bonus Health: 450/1350/2250 ⇒ 300/750/1400
  • Dragonmancer Hero bonus Ability Power: 20/60/100 ⇒ 15/35/60
  • Dragonmancer bonus Health and Ability Power increase by Dragonmancer star level: 10% ⇒ 20%
  • Revel firecrackers magic Damage: 150/175/225/275 ⇒ 140/170/225/300
  • Scalescorn bonus magic Damage: 20/50/80% ⇒ 15/50/100%
  • Whisper bonus Attack Damage & Ability Power: 1/2/4/6 ⇒ 1/3/5/8 
Units: Tier 1 
Tahm Kench with Trainer is one of the strongest frontline openers in the game. Alongside early access to Revel’s flat damage, the BFF (Big Friendly Frog) composition doesn’t leave much room for competition early on. 
Vladimir is the proud winner of the “Most Room to Improve” award in Dragonlands. We’re giving this iron deficient Mage a few buffs so he’ll stop being a thirst trap for Iron players. 
  • Ezreal Mystic Shot Damage: 150/225/300 ⇒ 155/215/285
  • Skarner Crystalline Exoskeleton Shield: 275/325/375 ⇒ 300/360/420
  • Tahm Kench Health: 700 ⇒ 650
  • Tahm Kench Thick Skin base Shield: 250/300/350 ⇒ 240/250/275
  • Vladimir Health: 650 ⇒ 700
  • Vladimir Armor & Magic Resist: 40 ⇒ 45
  • Vladimir Transfusion Healing: 200/250/300 ⇒ 270/300/330 
Units: Tier 2 
We’re shipping a number of changes for our deerest Cavalier that will result in a net buff for Mage (and Cavalier) comps around the Convergence! 
  • Lillia Bugfix: Now bonks her combat target rather than a nearby target
  • Lilia max Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50
  • Lilia Watch Out! base Damage:175/250/350 ⇒ 215/275/350
  • Lilia Watch Out! center bonus Damage: 175/250/350 ⇒ 150/225/350
  • Qiyana max Mana nerf: 30/90 ⇒ 40/100
Units: Tier 3 
No Olaf nerf!?!? Well actually, we did nerf Olaf. Olaf was only oppressive with Assassin compositions, which we hit by nerfing Qiyana, Diana, and the traits: Scalescorn and Assasin. 
  • Diana Orbs: 6/7/8 ⇒ 5/6/7
  • Lee Sin Dragon’s Rage Damage: 300/375/500 ⇒ 280/360/480
  • Swain Draconic Ascension Damage: 75/115/175 ⇒ 65/105/165
  • Sylas Petricite Burst Shield: 300/350/400 ⇒ 365/415/475
  • Sylas Petricite Burst Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 110/170/240 
Units: Tier 4 
The nerfs below share a common theme: each of these units currently performs well when slammed into a composition, regardless of their trait benefits or star level (coughs out feathers). We hope these units continue to fly in unique compositions that are built with them in mind—not just in connect-the-dots comps, where the dots are the most powerful units. 
Sy’fen seems to have the opposite problem as the units we’ve nerfed in this list. Sy’fen is especially weak at 1-star, and even worse without items, so we’re improving his base numbers to give the Whisper comp the roar it needs! 
  • Corki max Mana nerf: 0/70 ⇒ 20/80
  • Cork The Big One Damage: 125/200/500 ⇒ 110/170/600
  • Idas Golden Scales damage reduction: 50/75/300 ⇒ 35/50/300
  • Idas Golden Scales Shield: 200/300/2000 ⇒ 180/275/2000
  • Idas Golden Scales Shield bonus Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 30%
  • Ornn Stampede Attack Speed slow duration: 3 ⇒ 2 sec
  • Ornn Stampede stun duration: 1.5/2/8 ⇒ 1.25/1.75/8 sec
  • Sona Crescendo Damage: 190/275/1000 ⇒ 200/300/1000
  • Sy’fen Attack Damage: 100 ⇒ 110
  • Sy’fen Mana buff: 120/200 ⇒ 120/175
  • Sy’fen Rampage bite Attack Damage scaling: 450/500/2500% ⇒ 500/525/2500%
  • Xayah Feathers FLY! feather return Damage: 15/20/50 ⇒ 12/20/40
  • Xayah Feathers FLY! feather Attack Damage scaling: 25% ⇒ 20
The Dragonlands are home to a lot of dragon-sized units with talons, wings, and of course, big health bars. Those big health bars have made some items especially effective at taking out the dragons themselves. 
  • Giant Slayer increased base Damage: 25% ⇒ 20%
  • Giant Slayer increased Damage if the enemy has over 2200 maximum Health: 50% ⇒ 45%
  • Sunfire Cape Health: 400 ⇒ 300 
Bug Fixes 
  • Crown of Champions no longer triggers immediately if equipped mid-combat"

Star Guardians Head to Anime Expo

"Star Guardians are headed to Anime Expo! Join Riot in the Entertainment Hall to meet some of your favorite Star Guardians, explore our dedicated Star Guardian Art Gallery, and immerse yourself in the Star Guardian universe."
Star Guardians are traveling to Anime Expo! The largest anime convention in North America is coming back to LA and here’s everything you need to know to explore the brilliance and magic at the event. If you’re not familiar with Star Guardian, treat this as your TL;DR up to this point, before the story continues on July 14th, 2022.

You can find us at the front of the Entertainment Hall at e-11, just look for the Star Guardian-themed booth! There you’ll walk through a recap of the timeline and lore, and enjoy three unique displays to take photos at. And don’t forget to grab an exclusive Anime Expo Star Guardian poster before you leave!

The booth will be featuring a variety of Star Guardian cosplayers, including many familiar faces. Take photos with some of our favorite creators, including Spiral Cats, Peyton Cosplay, Stella Chuu, Vkryp, Akemikuncosplay, and many more! Estimated times for meet and greets are listed below:

Friday, 7/1: 
  • Booth opens at 10AM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 1: 11AM PT - 1PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 2: 2:30PM PT - 4:30PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 3: 6PM PT - 8PM PT
  • Booth closes at 10PM PT
Saturday, 7/2: 
  • Booth opens at 10AM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 1: 10AM PT- 11:30AM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 2: 1PM PT - 3PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 3: 4PM PT - 7PM PT
  • Booth closes at 10PM PT
Sunday, 7/3: 
  • Booth opens at 10AM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 1: 10:30AM PT - 12:30PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 2: 2:30PM PT - 4:30PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 3: 6PM PT - 7:30PM PT
  • Booth closes at 10PM PT
Monday, 7/4: 
  • Booth opens at 10AM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 1: 10AM PT - 12PM PT
  • Cosplay Meet and Greet 2: 1PM PT - 4PM PT
  • Booth closes at 4PM PT
Want to share your cosplay as well? Then make sure to swing by the community cosplay meetups on Saturday and Sunday!
We’re excited to see those in attendance and share the ever-expanding story of Star Guardian. If you're able to make it, use the hashtag #StarGuardian on social media to post your experience at Anime Expo 2022. Hope to see you there!" 


  • 12.12b & 12.13 balance preview from Riot Phroxzon:
  • Ruination Is Coming - Like the Black Mist, we creep ever closer to the September 6th release date for Ruination by Anthony Reynolds! Check out this site to see where you can preorder, what you can expect in the book, and more!
  • Bugfix for Challenges messaging:
  • Thread on picking skins for each game:
  • Worlds 2022 locations:

Riot Games

Wild Rift
  • Patch 3.2c Balance Patch
  • Dawnbringer Riven & Nightbringer Yasuo skins now available:
Legends of Runeterra
  • Patch 3.10.0 Notes