Hello! Welcome to the SUPPORT SURRENDER AT 20 page! Here you will find various ways you can go above and beyond to support the site and crew, including monetary donation options such as Patreon and Paypal Donate .
Remember - everyone who visits and frequents supports Surrender at 20 in their own way! All of you have helped grow S@20 into the site it is today and we are very thankful. Please do not feel obligated to donate and please do not give above your means!
Thank you!
Patreon is a system where fans of S@20 can pledge a monetary donation to the site every month to help support the site and keep the WIP SHIP afloat! Pledging over a certain amount each month earns you small perks such as a discord distinction or a funny picture.
We are trying out a S@20 Patreon to supplement the side and footer ads, which are currently the sole source of income for Moobeat and Aznbeat as full time employees of Surrender at 20.
If you'd like to contribute a monetary donation to the crew here at Surrender at 20, click below to do so using via Paypal or Credit card.Giveaways & Promotions.
If you are interested in providing physical items for giveaways on social media, such as art, craftables or whatever else, email me at [Moobeat@Surrenderat20.net] and we can try to work something out!